New Englander Newbie

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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2014
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Hi Folks! I'm from the MA/RI area. I've worked pretty hard most of my life. On my own since 18 getting through college, working my way up, moving to jobs around the country etc......but forgot to make sure I had time for myself to have some fun in life.

So I've decided to strike out and live very simply by van dwelling around the country. I plan on mixing some workamping in national parks to defray costs but also take long stretches of down time in between. Maybe when I reach retirement age I'll be able to just have one big, long down time until time ends for me.

I think this lifestyle will fit my personality since I am an avid minimalist. But more importantly I find more value in new experiences and memories than I do in material things or even comfort that goes beyond basic needs.

So that's a small sample of who I am. I look forward to exchanging ideas with the rest of you.
Welcome! It sounds like you've thought it over and exactly know what you want so you should adapt to van dwelling very easily. Enjoy the journey to this enjoyable and rewarding lifestyle!
Hi Vanman2300! Welcome to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Vanman, we are very glad you are here!! It sounds like you were born to be a vandweller, hopefully it is everything you dreamed it would be!

If you have any questions we would love to be able to offer any input we have!
Thank you everyone. I have been thinking about this for quite some time. Right now I'm in the very early stages of converting to the mobile life. These types of forums have been handy while I think about my preferences, van styles that would fit my needs, and especially gaining some better understanding of what seems to work (or not work) for others who are already living in a van.
Welcome Van Man!!!!.....Im just north of you at the moment finishing up before the snow flies so I can head south!!!!

Im in NH at the moment get ready to live the life your heart calls for!!!!
Thanks Lucky Mike. You must be excited to start out...can't wait to hear some of the road stories from you in the near future.

I was just up in NH on the Kancamangus a few weeks ago and stopped in the scenic view area just after Greely Pond Trail as I was heading toward Conway. There was a full size blue bus that a couple were living in. The bus ran off diesel but they used vegetable oil as much as possible. They also had the solar set up as well. I see at least a few van dwellers in NH almost every time I go up there. Should you happen to run across them talk to them because they are very interesting people to talk with and have a lot of knowledge.
Ive been out here afew years , I return to upper New England every year and make my bank until the end of foliage season then head south or southwest
yeah...Mike ain't a 'newbie' at this, by no means

he's actually got quite alot of this stuff 'dialed in'

....why do you think we call him "Lucky"??? :cool:

Welcome to the forum Vanman!! Sounds like this should be a great fit for you.
As others have posted...ask anything you might wanna know and learn. We've got a great crew on here, with LOTS of experience to help you make a comfortable adjustment into this lifestyle.

If you find any rigs you want us to scrutinize, the post it on up here, and we'll help you give it a look-over.

Hello from the Oregon Coastline!!
Lucky Mike I misread your last line from the first post and it sounded like you had just got going on van living. Is that a picture of the rig you have now?

Thanks Patrick. As a matter of fact I've been looking at two types of vans in particular. Econolines and Dodge vans with 318 engines. I like the room in the econolines and the fact they are very common so more stealthy and easier to fix. Dodge 318 because that engine is bullet proof although they aren't easy to find.

Oregon coast I liked a lot. I once was there about 30 years ago on business. I also visited WA too when I visited with my brother who was in the Army Rangers (Fort Lewis) at the time. Gotta get back there again one of these days.
Thats my rig for the next month.....switching up to a 40' 1998 country coach intrigue in 2 weeks so it will take a little more thinking for my urban stealth tactics!!!
Lucky mike said:
Thats my rig for the next month.....switching up to a 40' 1998 country coach intrigue in 2 weeks so it will take a little more thinking for my urban stealth tactics!!!

Takes a talented stealth camper to hide a 40 footer in plain sight! :)

Heck, and here I am worrying about anything bigger than a cargo van like an extended van or a roof cap!

Thank you Wagoneer!