My van conversion video

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Oct 10, 2012
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<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>&nbsp;thats the first video I made so far
I think I spotted a missing hose in there at 3:38...not sure to what <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="bbc_img"><br><br><br><br>I wish i could stand in my van.&nbsp; People see me at 6'4 and think its great but they never hit their head on a ceiling, subway hand rail, door frame, cabinet door you forget to close etc etc <img src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
I love how you have the self-confidence to be honest and admit you are a complete novice. I, too, know next to nothing about the mechanics of a vehicle. I hope some mechanically talented folks reply and I'm looking forward to more videos from you!
Hello Van Lady,<br><br>Nice video, and you are right about all you need is the desire and you can do it. It just takes time to learn about it first, but now we have the Internet and any thought you may have is researchable and achievable.<br><br>Yes you do have an inline six, all that means is you have 6 cylinders and they are all in a row.<br><br>I noticed a few things in your video you shoud know.<br><br>1. You have a brake fluid leak in between your brake booster and brake master cylinder indicated by discoloration on your brake booster.<br><br>2. You have a missing flex hose that connects between your exhaust manifold and the bottom of the air intake/air filter assembly. ( It is not too important and does not have to be replaced unless your&nbsp;motor has&nbsp;problems running when its cold.)<br><br>3. Transmission fluid should be pink and not brown and should&nbsp;not have a burnt smell. Also, the transmission fluid should be checked when the engine is running and warmed up.<br><br>As far as the dripping you saw under the vehicle, you first&nbsp;have to determine what color is the fluid.<br><br>&nbsp;a. clear = water&nbsp; no problem, its just the condensation coming from the air conditioner.<br>&nbsp;b. pink = transmission fluid, take it to a mechanic and have them replace a leaking gasket or tighten drain plug<br>&nbsp;c. oil colored/ blackish = take it to a mechanic and have them replace a leaking gasket or tighten drain plug<br>&nbsp;d. green = coolant leak = take it to a mechanic and have them replace a leaking gasket or tighten drain plug <br><br>Based on the size and location of that hole in the top of your van&nbsp;you can;<br><br>1. Cover it with some tape from Home Depot or Lowes. <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">click here</a><br>2. Cover it with the proper hole plug designed for that. <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">click here</a><br><br>(I used to be a radio technician and have drilled hundreds of those holes in police cars and vans)<br><br>Good luck and let me know if you have any other questions or problems. <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif">
I love the video and the van, Half_Pint! <br><br>I have a dodge hightop conversion that is completely gutted out like yours and somehow yours seems much more roomier, as far as floor space.<br><br>With my van, I'm currently working on mechanical issues (not major) and I am also working on getting the thing painted - it's kinda looking all spotted primer like, lol.<br><br>The only thing I noticed was;<br><img rel="lightbox" src="" class="bbc_img"><br><br>I can't really tell what the "MISSING ?" is!<br><br>As for the leak under the van... the area it's in, I'm guessing a hose leak (minor) or maybe the water pump (not major if you know how to change - it could be time consuming but fairly simple). Try to determine if it's oil, fuel, water, etc., by sticking your finger in the drip on the pavement and just look and smell.
Yeah that missing? bit blows air out of it if that helps. The transmission fluid was pink on the edges of the dipstick, it was only brown because I checked it cold, the fluid is good. I only took the moniker VanLady for my videos because I really don't want my ex hubby to track me down with them he wont find me by just googling my usual internet alias Half Pint ^_^ but having it attatched to a youtube video of my face yeah how about a no.
good job half pint.&nbsp; the missing hose at 3:38 is the egr imho no biggy.&nbsp; you are correct about the other hose connecting to the air cleaner,&nbsp; I agree with funny face no biggy unless you are in cold weather.&nbsp; funny face also pointed out the brake fluid leak,&nbsp; check this one&nbsp;out.&nbsp; also the ac is disconnected so your leak underneath is not coming from there.&nbsp; as for the whole in the roof if you don't want to repair duct tape will work temporally it will keep the rain out for a few months.&nbsp; good luck keep us posted we will try to help out.&nbsp; highdesertranger&nbsp;
I put up a tarp hammock in the back, as soon as the how to video is ready ill post that so you all can see what I did and how I did it
The larger diameter hose (missing) brings heat to a thermostatic valve on the air cleaner housing. It prevents carburetor icing which can happen at above freezing temperatures and higher altitude. cheap to repair.<br><br>egr valve is difficult to explain in a short post. google egr valve and read up. The air coming out is exhaust gas.<br><br>good luck with your adventure. keep us posted.
have you tried plugging in the air conditioner wire to see if it works?
<span style="line-height: 16px;">&nbsp;I only took the moniker VanLady for my videos because I really don't want my ex hubby to track me down with them he wont find me by just googling my usual internet alias Half Pint ^_^ but having it attatched to a youtube video of my face yeah how about a no.</span>
<br>Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to post the video with your internet alias Half_Pint then.
I like the video and the whole idea of starting from scratch with no experience or technical knowledge. &nbsp;Good luck.