My Life with Pictures :)

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My taste buds sadly report; that was not the case <img src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
Dazar, do you have your blog somehow set to upload your posts on his forum? Or do you copy and paste your posts to your blog... did I say that right? <br><br>I only ask because I don't know, and if it's possible to somehow upload some of my own selected threads to a blog automatically, I would like to do this.
I copy and pasted my posts here to my blog, and then i went in and changed thier dates on blogger to match the day i made the thread. <br><br>It isnt automatic, but it is very easy.&nbsp; If you just select a post, even the images, and paste it into a blogger post, it will reproduce it including the pictures (i do have to click them and tell it what size i want the pictures to display as it shows up huge/original size).&nbsp; Since i use photobucket for all my pictures, it all works out smooth.&nbsp; I actually had to go in and remove the smileys from my posts in blogger, which hotlinked back here...don't want to steal bandwidth from bob :D<br><br>If you have attachments for your images, it will try to hotlink to them on bobs server, which might not work out so well when this forum goes down.
LOL funny pic.<br><br>ever notice that their straws are huge in diameter compared to others?<br><br>i do like that, it feels more refreshing to drink from, but i wonder what their reason for it is?&nbsp; if you eat inside refills are free so it cant be to sell more beverage...
ooohhhhh....<img src="/images/boards/smilies/idea.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><br><br>
<br><br> <br><br>Powells mountain, around 2700 feet<br><br><br>Feeling a bit discouraged again.&nbsp;&nbsp; It seems like every time i start to really feel good about what im doing and enjoy myself, that very day something goes wrong to punish me.&nbsp; Almost like i was complacent and there is a price.&nbsp; <br><br>I had a good weekend at my sisters, and came back home. &nbsp; Stopped at a scenic overlook to enjoy some nice views above.&nbsp;&nbsp; I went to the local krogers and grabbed a couple redbox movies and some food to eat while i watched them.&nbsp; The food was really good and i was surprised how much they gave me.&nbsp; <br><br> <br><br>Like i normally do i went to park at my work and get a nap before work.&nbsp; I do this most days, the security guard knows the deal and is ok with it.&nbsp; I was sleeping good when i got the real knock this time, it was the cops.&nbsp; <br><br> <br>(This pic was from a couple weeks ago at a pilot, ironically i awoke to find this cruiser and about too more off frame right behind my van.&nbsp; Never said anything to me though.)<br><br>Private land, no ordinances, and i know the property owner didn't call them, but here they were.&nbsp; A state cop and a local cop, whom im sure has seen me a dozen times as i lived about 1 block down from his station for a year.&nbsp; <br><br>"What are you doing there?"&nbsp; Getting a nap, i go to work right here in about an hour.<br>"Where do you work?"&nbsp; Right there, at the motel. (about 50 feet away).<br><br>They have both have already looked inside the van (i came out the slider) with thier little flashy lights.&nbsp; I was just absently leaning on the door frame, but i was obscuring thier view which prompted the state cop:<br><br>"You got something in there you don't want us to see?"&nbsp; Oh no, see?&nbsp; (i move out the way, they already seen inside anyway).<br><br>The local cop asks "You live in your van?"&nbsp; No, i live with my sister but come down here to work.&nbsp; I sleep in the van. &nbsp;&nbsp; <br><br>"I see your socks hanging there (on a bungie)."&nbsp; My sister's place is all muddy from this rain.<br><br>I ask if every things alright then...?&nbsp; "We just saw your door was cracked (slider was cracked about 6 inches...since im pretty much allowed to be there i do this all the time for air), and wanted to check what was going on."&nbsp; I'm mentally kicking myself here...can't let your guard down ever.&nbsp; <br><br>The state cop walks around looking in my front window with his light then says something i cant hear to the county cop, and they go to leave.&nbsp; I tell them thanks for checking on me, in my best "I'm totally thinking this isn't a bad thing and you are the good guys" voice.<br><br>"Alright, you can go ahead back to sleep."&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (like hell...right?)<br><br>Now,, it wasn't the worst exchange.&nbsp; All and all they were very cool cops, except maybe the something to hide sort of remark.&nbsp; But it just bothers me greatly.&nbsp; Everytime in the past i was happy like this i get a knock from someone.&nbsp; Every time i get a knock i lose options on where to stay.&nbsp;&nbsp; There is no way i can sleep at the park and ride now (state property).&nbsp; Ive been 'marked'.&nbsp; I'm hoping my cooperative attitude has lead that mark to be something like "Oh i checked him out before he seems harmless", but I don't know that, and that can change at any time.&nbsp; <br><br>I am very fortunate they didn't roll on me with lights flashing, as the owners of my motel would get wind and while they may not normally care that i was there, any sort of 'trouble' would result in immediate problems for me.&nbsp; If they make things too tough on me, im gonna have to make the decision to find work elsewhere and move on or keep my job and go back to living in a house.&nbsp;&nbsp; I hope it doesn't come to this, ive just started saving a few dollars, which was the initial point here.
Great pictures and thread..sorry for your loss of spots, I guess they come and they go
I recently went to the historic park where the Battle of Bulltown occurred.&nbsp; They do a huge civil war reenactment of the battle there, which i didn't get to see yet.&nbsp; But it was very interesting to check out and read all the placards.&nbsp; Its also pretty amazing looking at the staging points for the 2 armies and how they faced each other on separate mountains with a river separating them. &nbsp; I took a ton of pictures, which i will post soon.
Dazar - you were nearly arrested for sleeping. its a tough life to not have a cheap home.&nbsp;
Try living in my country! In order to re-register your ride you have to have a non-p.o box mailing address for the forms......<br><br>Nice blog, by the way.<img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><br><br>(I'm also guilty of 'hottie scrolling')
zemio, you do here in my state as well.&nbsp; Different states in the US have different standards, but just about all of them are pretty vigorous on where your live.&nbsp;&nbsp; Most have implemented a method by which the homeless and people who do not have utilities or live with others can get ID or license.&nbsp; Here, you can get a signed and notarized&nbsp; affidavit by the person you live with and take it to the state police office and have them record it/sign off on it and then go to the dmv and register at that address.<br><br>offroad, while i appreciate your thought, I don't think they would of arrested me, because they do not have the kind of grounds necessary to do that unless i do something illegal right in front of them.&nbsp; I was on private property and had permission to be there.&nbsp; But they can and obviously did harass me a bit when there was no need for them to do so <img src="/images/boards/smilies/frown.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp;
So about ten miles from my work is the location of the battle of bulltown.&nbsp; On a whim i drove out there and explored a little, and hard a great time.&nbsp; The battle had the Confederate army staged on one hill (more like small mountains), and the Union army entrenched directly across on another hill, with the gully river in between.&nbsp; It was a battle to control the waterway (and a covered bridge spanning it) and a graded dirt road/turnpike.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I first went to the confederate side.&nbsp;&nbsp; You have to drive a good 5 miles or so to get from one point to the other, unless you like to mountain climb and swim <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp; The really cool part is you can see the confederate area across the mount from the union side, and imagine the two firing artillery at each other.&nbsp; <br><br> <br><br>There isn't much to see on the confederate side.&nbsp; There is a cleared hillside, a mass grave (7 really) and some stone remnants of the fortifications.&nbsp; You can look out over the opposite mountain where the union fortification is, but it isn't easily visible through the trees...but the reverse isn't true (as ill show later).<br><br> <br><br> <br><br> <br><br> <br><br>
Now things get interesting.&nbsp; The union entrenchments are kind of build up and preserved as a historic site, and there is more to see.&nbsp; I think you can click any of these pictures and it will take you to a slideshow, if you want to go that route.<br><br> <br><br>I really loved reading the dialogue these soldiers had, they were full of grit <img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp; "I'll fight you till hell freezes over and if need be retreat on the ice!"<br><br> <br><br>This is the entrance to the union fortification, or i guess the rear entrenchment/lookout?<br><br> <br><br> <br><br>After that, you take a pretty long but wide trail through the woods to get to the main I walked this getting some good exercise I was imagine what it musta been like to march soldiers through this area or even fight in all these trees.&nbsp; <br><br> <br><br>
<br><br>This is the well, which was vital in the soldiers being able to hold out, it is the only remaining original structure still relatively intact of the actual entrenchments (tho the farmstead has buildings).&nbsp; <br><br> <br><br>Here you can clearly see the confederate staging/artillery point that I was earlier.&nbsp; I am pointing to where i took the photo above <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br> <br><br> <br><br>Can you imagine trying to assault this trench from below?&nbsp; I guess thats why a frontal assault wasn't happening <img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br> <br><br>
I really really enjoyed reading this passage, and was probably my favorite thing on this trip:<br><br> <br><br>I went to the farmstead next.&nbsp; I thought it was hilarious that the guy who owned the farm was against the army encamped on it.&nbsp; I don't think the shot in his butt was an accident at all <img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp; <br><br> <br><br> <br><br> <br><br>Don't forget ye olde outhouse..<br><br> <br><br>And finally, this is what they were fighting for, the Turnpike.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I wanted to walk down it for a while but i took a trail already to get here and was running out of gas.&nbsp; Maybe some other time I'll go hiking <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br> <br><br>
Dazar, I enjoy your pictures, it's a shame that people get harassed for simply sleeping.&nbsp;<br><br>I have been pro law-enforcement most of my adult life but in the last few years have seen too many abuses of authority by L.E.O.. I know of no way to avoid the hassles, I was awakened at 0230 in a National Park by Border Patrol for a "Safety Check". I was told after things settled down there was Heavy Traffic in the area, whatever that means.<br><br>It was bothersome for me but it scared my granddaughter and that irks me.. It didn't ruin our trip but sure gave her a story to tell and another reason for my daughter in law to not let her go.<br><br>The Ice Agents asked if I was armed, where the weapons were and were they locked. I said all but one was locked and his head snapped up quick. He wanted to know where the unsecured weapon was &nbsp;When I told him it was in my waist belt he just told me to keep it holstered.&nbsp;<br><br>My Granddaughter took some pictures with her phone and they were not happy about that, on guy kept his covered or turned, never got a good shot of him but neither said anything about photos.<br><br>Never asked to see my weapons, just my ID.&nbsp;<br><br>They were not overly rude and before they left they were almost cordial. Still bothered me,<br><br><br>Good luck in your travels and stay safe. Bob J.
Yeah, ive watched a lot of youtubes of border patrol agents abusing their power, they seem to be worse than the police.&nbsp; Especially considering they are conducting these checks well away from the border most of the time and go way out of the narrow scope of authority originally granted to them by the law. But I don't want things to get too political here so I won't comment further on that but to say I feel your pain, and i am glad things didn't escalate for you <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
I wasn't being political at all. I think I know what he meant when he said there was a lot of traffic in the area but I make no judgments there, not my job. My job is to protect my grandkid and myself.&nbsp;<br><br>I hope you stay works out well for you, looks promising. Take Care,Bob J.