my intro voyage

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Jul 16, 2020
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HI, I'm new to RV'ing. got 1986 class C back in May & took 1st voyage from TN (where i live) to Maine (visit family) planning leave go back to TN Sept. 1st. Had to stop 3or4 times to sleep along the way. Couldn't drive at night since tail lights wouldn't work & I'm no good at electrical issues...couldn't go very fast either, only about 55mph was avg. & rained all thru VA. so of course new driver side wiper wanted to pop off twice (guess i put on backwards) worked fine after turned around after stopped few times but I DID make it to my surprise!!! however loox like blew intake gaskets after found coolant in oil/engine so were trying replace all that now. Can't wait get back on the road (got RV to travel with my indoor rescue cat) she doesn't like other ppl or animals & gets very scared so had to find something to accommodate her!
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We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome to the CRVL Forum :)

Hope you can get the engine work done and restore it to dependable service. Sounds like you have a real vintage rig to travel in.

Those tail lights may just be a fuse, but someone who is skillful with electrical diagnosis may get that fixed for you
in short order.

Sounds like you have a vintage rig there. Are your tires fairly new ? On RV's they are very important to your safety...especially on the front.

Hope you have a great time on the road and make some wonderful memories while you're out there.
As a temporary fix for the tail lights, you might be able to get some battery powered red disc lights and put them on the rear of the car. Just turn them on before you leave at night and turn them off when you park. If the brake lights don't work that's a different issue, but if it's just the tail lights battery powered ones will work. As far as I know that's legal, I have a friend that had those on his car for months and never got in trouble for them. Though that was in Wyoming, so the laws in other states may vary.

Welcome to the forum, and happy trails.
eDJ_ said:
Welcome to the CRVL Forum  :)

Hope you can get the engine work done and restore it to dependable service.  Sounds like you have a real vintage rig to travel in. 

Those tail lights may just be a fuse, but someone who is skillful with electrical diagnosis may get that fixed for you
in short order. 

Sounds like you have a vintage rig there.  Are your tires fairly new ?  On RV's they are very important to your safety...especially on the front. 

Hope you have a great time on the road and make some wonderful memories while you're out there.
Thank U all! made it to family's house so my cuzin was able fix lights & yes tire tread was new when i left...we have now started tearing apart engine to replace gaskets. hoping all goes well after back 2gether!!! btw was inspired (about yr&1/2 ago) by bob wells videos to get RV try travel with & maybe next yr try go west for RTR gathering if possible!! lots more work to do next few weex!...

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