mppt vs pwm

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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Great Falls, MT
OK,I've heard a lot about mppt vs pwm controllers.How do you test a controller to see if it's an mppt or a pwm controller?Is there some way I can tell which I have?I mean besides the sellers BS.I have a volt meter,amp meterMicrowatt meter,and I need to know.
If you already have one and don't know which type it is for whatever reason, just google the make/model of it.
If you have one and don't know it's a PWM unless it was given to you or something, you would know if you paid for one, also PWM can only handle 12v panels.
There are a number of fake MPPT controllers out there. After a while you can spot the differences in how they describe it but the easiest way is to look inside for the buck converters induction coil. Without that a 24v panel is only good for a 24v system.
Well,I have saw mppt contrllers on e bay for $10.I must say,I'm skeptical.On another note;I saw 125 amp deep cycle batteries at wallyworld in Parker Az.for $110.The kicker was they had a 2yr free replacement and an additional 3yr pro rated warranty.With the Deka GC batteries I have now,I only got a 1 yr warranty.I may go this route next time I need batteries.
One way is to look on you tube. There are a number of videos showing various controllers in use, taken apart, the good the bad and the ugly. In one case the controller was a MPPT, it was beautifully built but the thing was nuttso. It would start doing things and the person would have to disconnect it to get it back to normal.

It was a video of the Eco-w that showed me it's induction coil and I knew it was for real.
I have 3 pwm controllers and you can't take any of them apart. they are all sealed in that electronic plastic stuff. the selling point for this is they are 100% waterproof and are rated spark proof. highdesertranger
I'd be pretty sure that Bob doesn't have a clue what a Buck Converter Induction coil looks like so for those of you who would like to know here ya go.


the wire wound ring in this photo. 


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