First one I sorta remember... when we were kids my mom loved to go out camping, not so much to campgrounds and such but way out to never never land stuff. We would set up the camp stove and us kidos would have tons of fun doing whatever. Mom was heating water for washing dishes and she had about 1/2 full tub when the camp stove blow a ??? and sent fire up the side of the tree over the table. She grabbed the tub of water 1/2 filled with water and silverware and threw it at the flames putting them out. And losing all our silverware in the bushes around the tree. We spent the rest of the trip digging it out of the sticker bushes..... so if ever you are in the Seira something mountins east of Tahoe and find a few spoons they may well be hers. She still talks about that one, mostly because it was one of many that she and my Grandma took all 6 grand kids out and Dad and Grandpa drove the cars back every mon- friday to work and left us out there with NO car... Mom still says that was nuts.