<P>Okay a few months later and re-looking at everything. Am significantly richer from 401K gains, but watching it and not counting my chickens until they are hatched (until retirement in six or seven years). <BR><BR>More reading says to beware if you have a million dollars in the bank, as it could not be enough if you retire at 60, unless you are 70 then it likely is enough. Extra medical expensives for living assistance, and nursing home could cost $250,000 per person until you pass.<BR><BR>The more I read I more I see how easy it is to be completely confused by what you need to have. The blog that Mr. Bob writes (Cheap RV Living) mentioned some doing well on $10,000 a year, while others can just do extremely well on $25,000. The conventional retirement folks need $45,000 per year to retire on. <BR><BR>Am just going to make a blanket proposal (take shots at it please - I will comment back):<BR><BR>1) have $15,000 in the bank for emergency medical CO PAYMENT only. Its good for other things but that is the primary purpose. Make sure you work to put it back. this is the heart attack, cancer money. You will need it.<BR>2) Buy high $10,000 deductable medical insurance, until OBAMA CARE kicks in next year, and if you make below $30,000 per year you get to get medicare. Which will not be enough, but it might be for most issues. You still might need supplimental insurance for other issues. This will cost $250 per month, or less.<BR>3) Have a combination of Social Security, and retirement pension, and 401k interest of not less than $30,000 per year when you retire. For me that happens in six or seven years (federal employee minimum retirement age).<BR>4) have no debts. own your VAN-RV, Conventional RV, Car-RV, or trailer-RV. have $10,000 in the bank to replace it at a moment notice. <BR><BR>yes you can live on less, but first medical, or transportation emergency and you are back living with relatives, and back working again. <BR><BR>You might not be able to do a lot of this. And I am lucky of a sort. Am a widower, kids are grown and working and living on their own (and they have no or minimal debts). Am in good health at the moment. My job will last six more years. Not likely to get remarried. <BR> </P>