Me Be Like Me Are

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Become a resident of a county that has no smog, (like Pahrump Nv.) . Then you really don't need the catalytic converters immediately.
I'm a resident in one of those counties here. However these car manufacturers don't let us "bypassers" get off that easy anymore. That's why they put a rear oxygen sensor in the works but I'm not going to worry about it. I'm bringing my big diesel down and look for a van down there. I'm really tempted to go old school with no electronic anything except putting in a stereo with USB charging plugs. I've had about enough with how ridiculously expensive it is to repair a vehicle. If they want everyone using better and smarter vehicles they are going to have to figure out a way to include poor folk in on that.

Feb 12th is the last day I can stay here. He was actually a bit more generous than I thought he would be. I'm going to "try" and be nice and be ready at the beginning of Feb.
I can't believe almost a month has gone by! I've been so busy that time has just flown. It's hasn't all been good and I'll be so glad to be out of here.

The good is the property I was very interested in where I could live in an RV full time if I wanted is an option again! Not only that the fiber optic internet is now live. I'll be able to continue learning web development once again! I'm going to have to get a nice wood stove and a good amount of firewood by next fall though. The best part about the property is that I won't be required to build anything if I don't want to so I can just pack up the RV and travel wherever.

In order to buy the property I'll have to sell the big diesel. I'll miss it but I'm okay with that. I'm tired of being at the mercy of other people who care only to make more money and if I can't afford the rising rents too bad. I'm done with that.

Hopefully I'll update soon! I have to be out of here by the 12th of Feb!
Sunday is move out day and the fear is almost suffocating. It never used to be. I had always been excited for that next adventure and just up and moving with nothing ahead used to be a normal course of action for me.

But mental illness, like most illnesses usually gets worse if left untreated and despite my attempts to be Super Woman I am but a mortal and no longer capable of living by the seat of my pants.

I'd love to be able to blame this on stigma, the government, the bias of people, fear of change, etc. but no, it's all on me and I can't do anything about it. I'm so sick right now that I can't even take my anxiety medication. I did that the day before yesterday and was VERY sick for the past two days. I just don't transition well anymore and this time is no different despite my finding a safe place to park at night WITH my critters and a honey bucket nearby.

The damned thing is that once I spend my first night in that church parking lot I'll be thinking to myself "Now what the hell was I worried about?".
rvpopeye said:
Hmmmmmmmm thread title sounds weirdly familiar......

Oh yeah,,,,,,I Yam What I Yam !!!! skuh kuh kuh kuh kuh

Sounds likesk it'll be intereskink.

Popeye strikes AGAIN!  You know, I thought the same thing when I saw that! 

You start thinking like me, I'd be worried.  Maybe I'll start thinking like you.  I have a sudden craving for canned spinach!

Sorry to highjack your thread, OP.   I shall be silent and courteous henceforth.
Headache said:
Sunday is move out day and the fear is almost suffocating.  

I think it is impossible to have opposite emotions at the same time. One can bounce back and forth between them, but can have only one emotion at a time. My thoughts create my emotions, and my thoughts are something that I have a say in. If I fixate on the negatives the world is doom and gloom. If I look at the positives I see wonderful people and opportunities. 

Sometimes making a gratitude list is what is called for. Sometimes I have to ask myself are there people that would like to trade their problems for mine? I have a million choices as to what I want to do next. There are those whose choices are limited to either bad or worst.
DannyB1954 said:
Sometimes making a gratitude list is what is called for.

My list is simple and small; I'm grateful it's over.  Yesterday was the first day in 6 weeks I didn't wake up in a panic attack.  I was so sick I paid for a motel room for 2 days to recover.

I'm also grateful my cat is taking this well.  My dog is a trooper so I wasn't concerned with her as much as I was with Pita.

Tomorrow I gotta get the van set up.  It will be my first night in the van and I'm looking forward to sleeping in my familiar old bed.  Being it's a Club Wagon I have no privacy set up.  Looks like I'll be at Walmart buying some black out's going to be cold as well.
You could put reflectex in the windows and it would help insulate and give you privacy. If you cut the reflectex just slightly bigger than the window they will hold themselves in place even while driving. If stealth is an issue use black foam board instead - it just looks like dark tinted windows from the outside. The foam board doesn't insulate as well though. Windows are the one place where reflectex works really well.
I'm surviving quite well in a couple of doubled up sleeping bags and fully dressed with a fleece jacket and beanie down to high 20s but am very warm and could let it go lower before firing up the buddy which I shut off to sleep unless the outside temp is around zero!
Time for some updates!

After spending a few nights in the van I feel refreshed and relaxed.  I can definitely state that my being ill was from PTSD triggers aka the landlord made me nauseated on sight!  It's all over now though and the three of us are doing well settling into our new routine.

My new parking area is working out better than expected!  There are community and other special meals set up for us parkers at least once a week, I have kitchen privileges during certain hours, regular bathroom privileges during business hours and FREE WIFI!  There is also NO LIMIT on the length of time I can park here.  Granted I'm not staying here indefinitely but I must stay long enough to get a decent van.  This one just isn't going to be roadworthy for a long trip nor will it stay reliable with the mileage on it and the repairs I need.  Oh yeah!  One of the rules is to not park next to someone else, leave at least one space in between you and the next vehicle.  I LOVE that!  

We can also start and idle our vehicles if it gets too cold which is a good thing because not only do I not like propane but also because it's a rule that fuel burning appliances are not allowed for fire safety and liability reasons.  I'm just fine with that.

Some things I have learned in my few days:

1) I absolutely need a high top.  My back is really getting punished with me having to be hunched over as often as I am.

2) I don't "need" an extended length.  It would be a nice option but if I find a nice, dependable van in a regular wheelbase I'm not going to say "no" if it isn't longer.  I'm gonna buy that sucka!  Besides, if I have to get a high top installed I'll save some of the van roof to make the extra storage I miss by not having a longer van.

3) I hate sliding doors now more than I ever did.  Especially when I have to get up in the middle of the night to hit the john.  It would be nice to go out the side door but nooooo, it makes too much noise especially when I have to slam it shut.  I have to use the drivers seat out of consideration not only because it annoys me but most likely annoys the others near me as well.

4) Extra blankets in a Club Wagon are overrated.  Seriously.  With the 3 of us in the van we are keeping the ambient temp higher than I expected, although I'm more certain it's because of my ample fat arse and not my smelly wiener dog or 14 lbs cat.  Our first night here it was 36 outside and the van cooled down to 58.  That's with only shoving blackout curtains into the top of the plastic trim wherever I could and no Reflectix(I bought it just haven't cut it).  I guess all that decorative wall and ceiling covering crap does serve a useful purpose!  I've kicked off the extra comforter every night much to my kitty's chagrin.  It now has a permanent spot to the side and end of the bed. Yes, I do have a lot of windows and am in a small way being facetious.

5) Using a twin bed frame eats up a copious amount of space but I love it and do not regret buying it because I've slept so well.  For my next van I'll make some sort of convertible bed/couch thingy and save this frame for my shed house(cough cough) home business "office" when I get it set up.

6) Promoting this website to the other vehicle campers here has been uplifting and motivating for them and me. It's been a cheering experience for them to learn that there are people doing this ON PURPOSE and hundreds out there gainfully employed, on disability whatever. When I tell them this is an actual LIFESTYLE that some learn because of circumstances they can't control it's like their outlook on life completely changes. I completely understand why Bob does this now. It's REWARDING to be able to tell someone that their life just got BETTER by living in their vehicle and then suddenly the light switches on in their head when they really realize that yes it is.

Okay so that's what I've learned but I have another issue I just never would have thought of until I saw it happen:

Just like any normal cat mine likes to climb on everything and has become quite adept at walking along the ledge of the door.  This also means stepping on the switch to UNLOCK ALL THE DOORS!  All I could think of was OH **** how to I deal with that!

Your experiences and remedies including links to those threads where others have discovered this issue before me are certainly welcome!  That's it for now and

" You Chose Wisely ! "

So happy your new life is making you happy.

The parking spot sounds like a winner.
I really like the rule of not parking right next to someone.
Your cat unlocking the doors made me laugh. Only because my Husky taught himself to open the electric windows. I have to keep the child lock button pushed on, and then remember to unlock them when someone rides with me. Other than pulling the fuse, I'm not sure how to bypass the door lock.
:)  Hello MeBe,   I'm glad to hear that you and your van mates have a good parking spot and are adjusting well.  I know that most of the time in my apt. is very stressful to me for various reasons.  I feel like I can breathe better in the van or my Aliner.

Queenie hasn't opened any windows or worked the door locks........yet.  She did manage to use some of the switches in the control panel on the window ledge behind the drivers seat.     I've taken a small heavy cardboard box and cut it to fit over the panel and then just taped it down as a temporary fix.  I intend to find a little plastic basket or a woven one and attach it with velcro to the window sill.  I also picked up 3 small carpet samples about 4in X 4in  to ad to passenger door and arm rest so her nails won't be slipping on the door when she rides standing up.

My dog used to lock me out of the truck. Why they put switches on flat horizontal surfaces is beyond me. None of the engineers have a pet?
I got into the habit of rolling down my window enough to stick my arm in if I left the keys in the truck.
Thank you for sharing "what you've learned"!! Now I'm more determined to go for the high top! I have lower back issues that I don't want to deal with!

And I love that you're sharing the forums with others and that it feels good! A purpose is a purpose and obviously you're new parking spot had a purpose for you!  :angel:

And finally, I love Jewellann's idea of those little plastic baskets from the dollar store to put over the switches! My daughter just bought a few for her silverware drawer, but I think they'd work great for this application... My solution would be to put velcro tape on the door and one length of the basket so that they could be lifted for use, but strong enough to stay put if the cat walked on them?


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