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We found out about the sbepherd when hubby came home from a business trip at nite in rented car and came around back so he would not wake me. The dog did not bark. It gave no warning at all. Hubby heard the dog door on the house flap, but saw no dog. Then, he realized it had circled around and was coming up behind him in the shadows of, silent, in stalking posture. Hubby called the dog's name,, the dog changed posture and trotted up wagging. Still, a dog the size of a large wolf that will hunt a human being like prey is an unnerving animal.
We are parked on BLM LTVA and wife takes the garbage bag to the dumpster daily. She uses this trip to exercise the dogs. Large dog on a leash, small dog in a doggie backpack. For days this was a wonderful trip for all three. Fresh air, exercise , etc. Yesterday while walking along, a labrador looking dog came charging out in a very aggressive manner. Wife shortens large dogs leash, but small dog in backpack starts screaming. She tried to calm small dog, to no avail. screams louder. Can't think straight with that racket in your ears. Labrador dog stops in front of our large dog and has a very aggressive stance. Our large dog is wary of the lab.
Lab all of a sudden attacks and jumps on our dogs back. Wife was so upset she hit the lab dog with a full bag of garbage, and told it to get out of here. At the same time small dog jumps out of backpack and goes after the labs legs. The lab did get of of our dog. The owner was very sorry and said her dog had never been aggressive before. Our small dog cut his bottom lip when he jumped out of the backpack.
It goes to show you, you never know what a dog will do, even a really good dog. Now wife is apprehensive to take dogs to the dumpsters for their walk.
My dog is very protective of me....(trained to be that way) and does not do well with other dogs , animals or people. We normally are boondockers so it is not an issue....unless I end up with the person who thinks "Nikki" is a cute puppy...(Nikki is a Klee-Kia Husky)...those that have been bitten were warned not to approach as I shortened her leash and back off placing myself between her and them!

as far as other dogs I always breech wide and again place myself between....if the other dog is off leash and aggressive I allow her a long leash and we both will kick the other dog down!!!.....

people who feel there dog would never be aggressive should be slapped and as soon as they try to defend themselves should have it pointed out that that is the way an animal thinks too.

if you cannot have full control of your animal should not have one!.....and using aggressive methods to control your animal outside of defending should not have one.

My dog was trained to protect me.....she is medic alert dog on top of it.....She has saved me twice and trust me I owe her enough just for that .....
Full control of our animal. That's a joke. Our bichon mix came from the SPA with no manners, no intention of learning any and appears to have doggy ADHD. Even the trainer at puppy school gave up on him. He is good-natured and loves all dogs and people. He comes when he is called and is reliably housebroken. But he pees on anything and anyone that stands still long enough outside and he digs in purses - even ones belonging to complete strangers - to steal lipstick.
Bindi (8 y/o rescue) is all of about 10# and is pretty well behaved, but there has been a few dogs she just didn't like. For a little gimp dog she can get really'd think she weighed 100#. There's been only 1 person she never too to, but never actually bit the guy.