Looking for : SOLAR AA/AAA Charger and batty. source

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Ken in Anaheim

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
Hello; Does anyone know of a good (prefer GREAT !!) SOLAR charger for AA and AAA batteries ? I'm not a van-liver yet but would like to start acquiring some gear.&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I've heard the Sanyo Eneloops are supposed to be the best rechargables available (?) so I'd like to get several of those and a solar charger for them.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Anyone got any links or recommendations ?<br>Thanks............Ken
While not a "solar" powered AA/AAA charger, I use one which does plug into a ciggy plug outlet.<br><br>They do not really require much battery power to charge the AA/AAA's<br><br>My 1 hour AA/AAA charger will consume ~ .6 amp hours to fully recharge 4 AA batteries, and with 200 watts of solar on the roof, I would have no use of a separate solar charger for the AA/AAA's.<br><br>Anyway, consider this option if you do plan on Solar for whatever rig you eventually get.<br><br>http://www.google.com/search?q=AA+c...+car+charger&amp;sourceid=chrome&amp;ie=UTF-8
Amazon.com sells a bunch of them for good prices. Just put the term into the search bar and check out the many reviews.<br>Bob
<SPAN style="COLOR: #808080"><EM>I use a Powermonkey solar charger, its a small portable cellphone charger that can charge two AA's. It has a neat USB in and out plug aswell.</EM></SPAN><BR><SPAN style="COLOR: #808080"><EM>Geoff</EM></SPAN>
&nbsp;gotta watch out when buying a charger, since many out there aren't truly regulated and are simply 'bulk' chargers that will puke out a certain amount of current for a set amount of time. ..Willy.