Long Island Dweller

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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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Hey All,<br /><br />I'm born and raised longggg Islannnderr....lol I'm 46 (f, LOL) lived 20 of them years in PA (and still have my anchor, opps I mean home, &nbsp;wont sell it because it's paid for and taxes are less than 1500.00 per year anywho), I have lived in just about ever situation imaginable, from horse tack rooms to beach bumming, and I loved every minute of it! I currently have two vehicles, a 1996 dark green ford conversion van named Moby, and a small mint green ford focus wagon named Minnow, I am currently lucky and unlucky at the same time, I opened my own grooming shop on LI 10 months ago, and I park behind the building with Moby and on the side with Minnow, I have a real bathroom in the shop with a shower and all, but I hate not being free but love making money, I have a 5 year plan, and then hopefully will be free again forever. I am a born nomad, I love to travel, I dream is to do what this fella is doing wagonteamster.com, to travel the country by horse and wagon.<br /><br />I have been broke enough to panhandle and rich enough at times to live like a king. currently I am above panhandler and a few notches below living like a king, and it's all good. I do juggle two pain in the butt diseases crohn's and a copd like disease, but I do get by. I am planning a trip to Michigan to see a friend as soon as I get a chance. Darn business has been picking up well and have just been to busy to get the time off.&nbsp;<br /><br />As you see I am far from homeless but I do enjoy the roads so much, I really should have been a trucker! As a child I LOVED camping, I used to live in makeshift things in the yard. One dry summer a refrigerator box was my home for 6 weeks. I also lived in the garage too! Mom thought I was a reincarnated caveman.&nbsp;<br /><br />I own an arabian mare named Jewel, if my back would handle it I would ride cross country like this woman endeofthetrail.com.... but some dreams require&nbsp;re-configuring. While my diseases have slowed me up they have also taught me to enjoy every moment, no matter where you stay. One may see me as well blessed and I am, but what I really want is to just be free... wake every day with no plans, and go to sleep dreaming of where the next day will take me. As a older teen to my late 20's friends said I was like the wind here today gone tomorrow.... oh those where the days... <br /><br /><br />I'll stop now before I get to long winded and wear my fingers to nubbs, so glad I found you all here,&nbsp;<br /><br /><br />~Autumn<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Hi Autumn! Welcome&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />&nbsp;I am also a Long Islander. And you have a horse? I assume in a local stable? I love horses!!!! Picture please.
she's a little thin in this picture, her foal had just been weaned....actually she is in the pocono's, hopefully I can afford to get her to LI next month
Oh she is BEAUTIFUL!! I love her color.
Hi Autumn...welcome from new Mexico....thanks for the details...it is so much better to have some idea of who we are talking to....some on here are pretty sparse with the personal info.<br /><br />You sound like a full-of-life sparkplug and I hope you can make it to one of the Rubbertramp Rondies one year so we get to meet you and sit around the campfire and share stories....<br />Bri
Thanks for the welcome, If a horse in tow is welcome I may just do that! My shop is closed today and I am being a lazy interwebz surfing bum and feeling bad for dong it! also catching up on some TV shows I like watching.... I have enjoyed reading the knowledge and experience this forum holds like treasure hunting, without burning calories? is that a good thing? LOL
I just hope your not boarding at Knoll Farm --- My ex-building partner and I built Dave's 40 stall barn --- I would trust any of them to watch a glass of water <img src="/images/boards/smilies/mad.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" />&nbsp;and that was 100 yeard ago <img src="/images/boards/smilies/rolleyes.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />P / S -- I'm in Suffolk <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" />
Hey fellow LongIslander! No she's still in PA (Pocono's) till I find the right and affordable place down here. I miss her though, Isn't knoll farm some fancy smancy equestian center now? No I am looking for a nice quiet barn, semi private with some trails nearby.<br />~Autumn<br /><br />PS are you vehicle dweller? would love to meet up with others and see their set ups for idea's
The further out east you look the better --<br /><br />There are plenty ( or at least there use to be ) private stalls for rent and horse-ie buddy's to whinny with <img src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />No cribbing <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />Side story -- Knoll has always been Hunter -Jumper and Dressage as far as I know --- one time someone showed up with a western saddle --- the Swedish warm bloods were laughing at him<br /><br />
Autumn_nomad said:
are you vehicle dweller? would love to meet up with others and see their set ups for idea's
<br /><br />I was a long time ago -- and will be again - as soon as I clear up a few dozen things ---