Less physical jobs/disability

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2017
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Hi all. What less-physical jobs are out there for nomads...? I have heard it is very difficult and takes a long time to try to get on even partial disability. I have thought of trying to work just part-time if it would support me decently if living in my vehicle. 

I was set to start my vehicle dwelling adventure at the start of this month, but couldn't do it. I have 3 cats who will seemingly need a gradual transition (if it ends up working out at all). 

I am working full time at an animal shelter. It's very physical work, they really don't have enough people, and I have been feeling more and more exhausted and in pain. I have arthritis, and had cancer (and surgery for it) last spring. It's getting harder and harder to keep on. I'm 52.

It's looking like at some point I will have to go to part time work, live in my truck and possibly have to make some difficult choices about my cats. I haven't as yet been able to snag a sedentary job; most of my experience has been in more physical work like retail and animal care.
Hello Catcaretaker,

There are a multitude of people with cats who travel on here.  Ask them the easiest at fastest way to transition cats to the traveling lifestyle.  It is always better to get ideas from people who have already been there and done that.  You don't have to leave your friends behind.  It just may not be the easiest thing in the world - but worth it in the long run.

As for advice on work.  You may want to check out this thread on here


The second post on that thread, by Cyndi, has links to some excellent information you need to browse through.  

Stay strong - the answers you need are here.  It just may take a couple extra minutes to find them.
It's getting harder and harder to find sedentary work. I will be looking for work soon (Hip surgery 10/16/17) My last job was REALLY easy. Watch a printer print. Yeah how tough is that?

I'll be looking at standing jobs, knife assembly or small pump assembly. The former is stand all day, the other one is 25% stand 75% sit, but heavily micromanaged....I did deli and that's not going to happen again.

I am not artistic, so jewelry is not likely. But one should always be willing to "Adjust" their schedule to appease the employer. But look carefully. Hit up some of the job agencies like Goodwill and see what they have. I have heard some people snagged some good work....
I have been on SSD and it is difficult to get on it unless you have a clear case and a damn good lawyer. Good lawyers are not on TV. They are much to busy to advertise.

I will be looking for work this summer as well. I have IBS and spinal stenosis. Sometimes I can't walk and have problems get to my feet. SSD does not pay enough. Luckily, everything I own is paid for but it's old and starting to require fairly expensive repairs, some of which I can no longer physically do. People don't work cheap or help neighbors out around here anymore.

Good luck CatCareTaker. I hope you can convince the kitties to come along. My son's cat can't stand being in a moving vehicle. She gets car sick very bad and pukes everywhere.
Hey - CatCaretaker, just few ideas come to mind.

There are "Gate Guards" that are needed at oil rigs and cattle farms, some are posted in these forms. There might be other jobs that simply want someone on their property in remote locations. What about house or boat sitting? With or without dogs, of course cats might have to stay in the van with you. Horse-farms are another place that want someone around all the time, a lot of high value Kentucky horses winter in Florida. You could check into being "bonded" - if it's cheap enough it could add a lot of credibility to your resume. How about door greater at Walmart or even regular guard jobs with temp agencies. A lot of these are nothing more then checking a car or truck in at the gate and don't require to leave the gatehouse.

With your animal are experience maybe you could build on that.

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