Owl, it's an interesting question to me but one that must become philosophical and the reason I invoked the 'Golden Rule' upthread as perhaps a clumsy way of creating a baseline. IMO, if the question leads to a litany of laws we like or dislike, obey or disobey, or think stupid and such, it becomes completely subjective, IE: subject to the whims of individual or isolated opinion. <br><br>It is said we live under the ideal guidelines of being a nation of laws and not a nation of men. In a monarchy for example, the king could set the laws according to his personal desires and everyone was expected to obey them. The king could change them at whim to suit himself and it might be unpleasant if one did not keep up no matter how fickle or unpublicized they might be.<br><br>The laws we live under are supposedly a consensus template of the majority pertaining to wisdom and sound behavior to be able to live together and the recourse we're given if we don't like a law is to follow the protocol to get it changed, abridged or amended. <br><br>One can be convinced they know the difference between right and wrong and that they are benign in their aversion to not be subject to the tyranny of the majority. It is a valid point and one always in play in a constitutional legal system, that the minority opinion does not get trod under and maintains some degree of protection. <br><br>The danger I see in acquiescing to the picking and choosing of which laws to follow is not addressed to the honest person. As my dear old dad used to say "locks are made to keep honest people out".<br>The danger is if it becomes okay for you and I to choose, then does it become okay for the dishonest person as well?<br><br>Sorry for being long winded or for perhaps taking this thread in a direction you hadn't intended. It is not my intention to over complicate the question or derail the thread, rather it illustrates my own groping with what I think can be a profound and complex issue.<br><br><br>EDIT:<br>Rather than post another comment and further clutter up the thread in response to the question in the post below, I am adding it here as an edit. I thought I had answered the question in post #1 a couple of of times so it's clear to me I have nothing further to add.