Just curious, best place for free milk crates?

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2017
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drive by the docks of supermarkets after hours and look to see if any left outside or?
Uh, NO!

That's considered theft.

I know where I live there's a deposit on those milk crates. The stores have to account for them to the dairy supplier.

I had to count the darn things when I was doing convenience store inventories, that's how I know about it.

If you want milk crates, go to Home Depot and buy however many you need...they're not expensive!
I've never seen them for free anywhere...would be nice if I had though. They aren't expensive but neither are they cheap at HD
Yeah, just read a milk crate someday...... if they aren't at the dairy or their outlets, they've been stolen.

got it. i assume they were unwanted if they were left outside. I'll keep my eyes open on yard sales or HD.
I find mine at the Goodwill; the nice heavy duty ones with the name of the dairy on it. Usually pay around $3 each, and so far haven't been hunted down by the Milk Crate Cops (MCC).

Just my opinion.
Most States that have dairies have laws against being in possession of a milk crate that is marked with a name. Sanding or scraping off the name is also illegal. Some States a $300 fine, 90 days in jail. Guess what your towing and storage fees might be.

Any LEO that sees it will have grounds to tear your van apart. You are transporting stolen property.
I don't think the dairies spend a lot of resources policing the crappy plastic cases they now use. But if an area has a problem with many missing, the locals will press charges. It happened here in Small-Town because Rite Aid was having a problem with missing boxes and crates.
It doesn't matter where you get them. If you have them you could get busted.
I can buy stolen stuff, and it doesn't make it any less stolen.
Will you get ticketed or prosecuted? Depends a lot on the LEO
For me, the trouble and risk outweighs the $8 you can buy a storage container for.
djkeev said:
Yeah, just read a milk crate someday...... if they aren't at the dairy or their outlets, they've been stolen.


Same goes for USPS trays and tubs. Ive seen them outside of postal usage.
I have a few very old ones, the plastic is about 3x as thick as the new ones and they have a metal band around the top. My Dad used them as Jack stands my entire youth and they show no signs of wear. Sure don't make em like they used too