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New member
Feb 28, 2021
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I wrote an intro to myself a year or two ago, but didn't join (I think?). Now I've joined. I'm going to go boon docking as soon as I can arrange it. Drove to Alaska twice, boon docking in an RV, with a home base and a wife. Now going it solo, no home base. Single, very fit 82-year-old. (Is there a spot on this forum where single people can connect? I'm in south Florida). I have a condo, paid for, but full of junque. I need to sell the junque, donate it to Hospice, or throw it out; just get rid of it. Then get a loan on the condo to pay for the motor home or trailer, rent out the condo to make the loan payments, and HIT THE ROAD, JACK!
I met a couple in a Sprinter RV at an independent Mercedes mechanic's shop, I think in Missoula, Montana, on the way back from Alaska, who had been living full-time in the Sprinter for a few years. I think they were headed for Mexico, at the time. If y'all read this, please contact Bruce, in Florida (imbvl@aol). I'll start a blog on Facebook (Bruce V. Lyon) so my friends can keep up with me.
Ciao, for Niao.................
Welcome to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

As you speak of starting a Blog, I'd mention an app for Cell Phones/Tablets that's free & called "Podbean". You can make an audio video blog (a Vlog) that they will host for you for free if it is for personal use. there are kits that have a microphone with pop screen, ring light, table top tripod with cell phone clamp for less than $25 bucks. Then you could link to the Vlog entries from your Facebook blog.


We look forward to hearing more from you
Welcome and I think it's awesome you're all about living your life to the fullest. Getting a loan on your condo to buy your rig and then renting out the condo to pay off your loan is genius. If I decide to keep traveling, I'm going to get a roommate, which will pay most of my mortgage.

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