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Queen of Kingman

New member
Dec 15, 2017
Reaction score
Whew!  I'm not the most tech savvy person at times.  

So, in keeping with following the rules, I am now posting an introduction to me here.

I am retired and live in Kingman.  I somehow manage to stay afloat, barely, on only my Soc Sec, but starting in January I'll also be supplementing that with teaching lacemaking and bead work for Mojave Community College.  

I am single.  I have a married daughter, one grandson and a granddaughter expected in January.  I have a long life of many experiences.  I have worked as everything from a factory worker to a long haul trucker to a legal secretary.  I have lived on the east coast (born in New Jersey) and on the west coast (many years in California, northern, southern, and central valley), and West Virginia and Pennsylvania.

I do not live on the road, but I would consider it, if I could afford a vehicle that had enough room in it for my rather large bird cage which houses my African Gray parrot.  As long as I have Internet, I'm happy.  I enjoy all kinds of needlework, wood burning (artistic type, not fire type), cooking, and singing.  Unfortunately, the only musical instrument I play is an autoharp, and only very basic talent in that.  But I love to harmonize and I've sung professionally.

I hope to meet with The Tribe whenever it is in the Quartzite area, hopefully this January.  In the mean time, I would love to get to know some of this site's members via the forums and perhaps, after friendships have been established, via emails and phone calls.  I would really enjoy learning more about life on the road.  Fear of being alone has never been even a slight consideration for me.  But fear of being stranded in a broken down vehicle with no money, now that's scary to me.

So I look forward to hearing from some of you good folks in the near future.  Stay safe and happy.
Hey there. I am in Golden Valley for the winter and working for the school district until June
Welcome Doree to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. I rent a place in Mojave Valley that's where most of my gear is at. see you at RTR. highdesertranger
Welcome to the group/tribe.  Congratulations on the new grandbaby soon to arrive.  You will hopefully love it here.  I can understand that fear of being broken down and broke while on the road.  Basicly that is my biggest fear.
This is a great group and I am sure you will love it here.

Hi Doree! I lived in Dolan Springs aka dirtville or stolen springs for 5 years. I'm living in MA helping my mom but return to that area twice a year when I'm on the road. Can't get back on the road, soon enough! Welcome!
Welcome aboard Doree !
Lots of support here in the tribe if you break down.

(All musicians "Ain't Right" and yeah , we got a club ;) .)
I spent a year as a legal messenger a long time ago. It was an interesting introduction to many aspects of actual legal practice. It's probably a reasonable gig for a van dweller these days.
Hi Doree, I'm new here too. I had Cockatiel growing up and friend had an African Grey. They are fun pets but noisy, lol! I'm petless at the moment but looking at a Jack Russel like my uncle has.

If you're not tech savy I suggest reading up on JimInDenvers posts and videos. ciao for now,
DuneElliot said:
Hey there. I am in Golden Valley for the winter and working for the school district until June

Great.  Maybe we should talk about travelling to the Quartzite meeting in January sometime.  Save on gas if we go together, but I won't be staying there overnight.  Of course, I would have to meet you in person ahead of time.  Can't be too careful, ya know?
Queen of Kingman said:
Great.  Maybe we should talk about travelling to the Quartzite meeting in January sometime.  Save on gas if we go together, but I won't be staying there overnight.  Of course, I would have to meet you in person ahead of time.  Can't be too careful, ya know?

I am heading down for the first weekend, but the RV is staying here...not worth breaking it down just for two nights. It is a long drive. I'm supposed to be hosting the singles meetup but haven't gotten very far with organizing it yet...mostly because I broke my hand and it's a PITA to do anything.
Welcome Doree...

Caution is a good thing for sure nowadays... Big difference meeting folks in a campground environment at RTR vs. traveling cross country with a stranger..

Safe travels!