I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream

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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2019
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Whidbey Isand WA
Maki just reminded me about ice cream making that we used to do with the kidos. Most of us don't have room for an ice cream maker in our set up, but I bet you have room for 1 large and 1 extra large zip lock baggies.

Mix your cream mixture something like 1/2 cup or so of cream or coffee creamer and 1-2 tblspns of sugar of honey. Whatever fruits you like peaches, strawberries, cherries, black berries or chocolate syrup and put it in the first baggie.

Then fill almost full the second baggie with ice and LOTS of salt (Cheap rock salt works best) place the creamy baggie inside the ice baggie seal and smush mixture with your hands until it is soft serve frozen. Use a towel or mittens or ? to keep your hands from freezing and to keep the heat from your hands away from the ice.

I'm going to look through my old curriculum books and see if I still have the recipes. We used vanilla yogurt once it was ok but not as good as the cream and sugar mixture but much healthier. This takes time and is so much fun, and it will cool you off because of the salt and ice mixture. Be sure to take out as much of the air as you can in both baggies. and do it outside it is messy.

I like the cooked cream mixtures but..... I will see if I can find the recipe's we used cause for the school aged kidos we had them make their individual own mixture, the littler ones we made the mixtures while they watched which meant a bigger bowl and split between several baggies. This takes a lot of ice so....... If you are where there is a batch of blackberries or wild huckle berries they are yummy. But cook them a bit first and strain out some of the seeds.

This does not make a lot but who has room for leftovers anyway. Of course, if you do the cooked parts, it does take longer and you should let everything cool off before trying to put it in the ice.
We had a crank style IC maker when I lived at home. We salted the ice to make it colder. My wife & I like Spumoni which isn't available very often but she went to the store monday & they has buy 3 get 2 free so we're all set.

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