Hygiene and Insurance Conundrum

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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2016
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West Des Moines, Iowa
I wasn't sure were to post this as it's two separate issues, one appears solved, partly.

Today I just discovered a problem, my insurance for my 2007 Prius expires on the 30th of this month. Luckily I have a 2007 Chrysler Aspen at my Ex-Girlfriends that is insured for an additional 4 months. But gets 10 miles per gallon in the city, and I only have 40 dollars to sustain myself until next Friday. I have plenty of food to last me the entire time. Sadly I'm a smoker, and I was saving most of that money for cigarettes, and the temptation to buy cigarettes is high. I had to go one day without cigarettes last week and it was driving me crazy.

The obvious choice is to get the Aspen, put the 40 dollars in it so I can legally drive for the week and go without cigarettes. My other problem is where to store my Prius so I don't lose it, i would prefer to live out of it due to it's amazing gas mileage.

I haven't been able to wash my work clothe this week and have no means to do that at the moment. Not even sure where i can legally get clean water for free. I imagine I would have to wash my clothe by hand, but I've never done that. I have baby wipes that I've been using to clean myself for the time being.

I have a job and get payed weekly, but it's a shared account that the ex has access and she has been taking most of the money, as she has a right to do, to pay for some of out previous shared expenses. I have a couple unused credit cards at her place, but she has put no effort in finding them to give to me. Those credits would be of great short term emergency use as they were intended when I got them (I let her put them away when I got them so I wasn't tempted to use them).

Edit: Side Note: I was going to transfer the title of the Chrysler over to her, so maybe I could use this as a bargaining chip.

Any advice for surviving this week would be greatly appreciated.
Just Wow.........

IMHO....... Get those credit cards from your ex and cut them into itty bitty tiny pieces.
They are a Short term fix with long term ramifications to a long term problem.

Settle up with your ex, get out of that entanglement whatever it is. Vacate her premises 100%, don't keep stuff there.

I Suspect that you are in a lease together and you need to keep up your 1/2 of the payment?

If so, move back in and use the space you're paying for! If she doesn't want that, well too bad how sad, tell her to legally release you from the lease. She cannot bannyou from a premise that has your name on the lease. (Unless you've abused her/ threatened her)

Close that stupid joint account too! ..... TODAY!!!!!

I'm sorry but my initial comment applies and I'm shaking my head over this mess that you've created.

Most States will yank your plates and drivers license for having an uninsured vehicle, yes your insurance company WILL notify the State.

Your troubles are only beginning.
Go get a second job at night, office cleaning, dishwashing, convenience store clerk...... whatever.
You MUST get on top of this ball ASAP. Doing so will require more money than you are currently making.

Keep the cancer sticks for now, you've got enough stress without adding addiction withdrawal.
Clean up the mess first then toss the fags......

djkeev: Luckily we are not on a shared lease. It is completely under her name, I'm just a man who follows through with his word, plus she needs help paying for bills right now, short term.

I do have a second vehicle that is fully insured that I was going to sign over to her, but in a pinch, I can switch from the Prius to Aspen, so I'm street legal.

I agree with you, I need to get rid of the joint account, but it's not so easy, we both have to agreed to get rid of the account, but I can stop the money from going to the account after awhile and divert the money to a new account. But this option will take a week or two at the least.

I primary concert is Hygiene at this point, washing my clothes and keeping myself clean while I go to work.

Thank you for your advice, I should stay away from the credit cards.
I have $40 to last me until 3rd Weds of next month. You think it is sad to be without cigarettes? You let your "ex" have your bank account and credit cards? You can't figure out how to wash your clothing? Man, I don't know what to say about all that. You should cancel all cards, close the joint account, quit your job and go to the other side of the country.
ccbreder: I can't quit my job, I'm going to use this chance to save money. But yes, I am in the process of cancelling the jointing account and getting the insurance payed for the prius. I've spoken with her about the Aspen and she would like to have it, but at a cost. Slowly but surely I'm letting go of most of my personal possessions.

Once everything is situated shortly, by my math, I should be able to save $1,500 a month. After awhile, I'll take time off, and more than likely quit my job after taking time off and travel down south to better weather.

More over in the meantime, I have to make sacrifices. Don't worry, I'll get there everyone, I just had to vent out today. I would like thank everyone for listening to my whining and crying. I feel relieved after today!
Are you sure your ex doesn't know where those cards are? Maybe she knows where they are and she maxed them out for you.

This might not be of immediate help, but, if you can't quit smoking and want to save money, I know a daily smoker who changed to one of those electronic cigarettes because he can smoke the same amount for around $100/yr refilling the liquid himself. There's probably some startup cost for the device but then the liquid is cheap and you can choose how much nicotine you want. Could even use it to ween yourself off nicotine and quit.

Anyone you know who'd buy you a gym membership and throw in a few bucks at the laundromat? Those two things are all you need to be showered and clean.
TMG51: I know no one to ask for help, I'm alone on this, and the Ex knows this. For the next two weeks I can't buy a Gym membership because they do not accept cash the last time I tried.

My emotions have been up and down today, happiness, sadness, and now absolute rage. Either I succeed with what little I have for a couple weeks, or I break
Plenty of people wash clothes in public rest rooms. Use them off hours. Drying is a whole 'nuther issue
And my big problem today is what kind of hardwood floor to buy for the house we're fixing up for retirement......

Well, good news, I was able to get insurance paid for on the Prius, and now I have a place I can go to once a week for a shower and laundry. The rest of the week I do a simple field wash with baby wipes and a bar of soap. Now I just have to wait for my next paycheck so I can get a Gym membership for exercise and showers. I was really panicking last week, so, thank you, everyone.
report them stolen, even
do it now, not after she maxes them out
And stop concerning yourself about 'keeping your word' and paying the bills to someone who threw your ass out with not even money to live on, you need to take care of you, not be her simp
She cares nothing for you, return the favor
I absolutely back up everyone that has stated to cancel those credit cards! Do it NOW! You don't have to physically have the plastic in your hands. For INSTANT cancellation call the bank/s holding them and report them lost. If you have to stay away from them you DON'T NEED them. You are making this much harder on yourself than necessary.

She needs the money? Dude, YOU are the one living in a car trying to make ends meet right now. She doesn't have the "right" to take anything from you however she does HAVE YOUR PERMISSION because you give it to her. The details between you and her are no ones business and I'm not going to speculate but it's really hard to remain neutral when you are giving her what it seems is almost everything and you are in a car not able to keep clean and do your laundry.

It does NOT take 2 weeks to open another account, you get paid weekly. Savings are easy to open especially at a credit union(and usually free) and there are always prepaid debit cards and accounts that you can set up for $20 to get started. Taking care of yourself is more than doing your laundry and knowing when your insurance will expire. If you owe her money then figure out a decent payment amount and give her only that amount, no more.
Sometime to consider for showers is a solar shower. It's all I've used during the last few months, and the sun does all the work. They only cost about $15, depending if you're sleeping in parking lots or national forest will be a potential problem.
The OP is living in cold-ass Iowa and preparing for winter.
I don't mean long term fix. It's not too cold yet, you'll get a little chilly but you'll be clean. Obviously it's a no go once it's down in the teens, but it sounds like he'll hopefully have that gym membership before it gets really cold.
Quit the smoking and you'll save 3000 dollars/year. I smoked for. 36 years at a pack a day and quit cold turkey. Here's a hint to stop that made it possible for me. Get yourself some of those blue tictacs. They are super strong and menthol flavored. When you get the urge just put one of those in your mouth and once it is wet and giving off the strong flavor place it between your top and bottom row of teeth and make like your dragging on a cigarette. It actually feels like smoking a menthol cigarette.

Hey, I know it sounds crazy but it worked pretty well for me. I couldn't go an hour without a smoke and I tried several times over the years without any success.

Groucho Marx once said "Quitting smoking was easy, he'd done it many times".
I agree, quit smoking. I suggest cold turkey as well, as most have longer lasting results that way. OR go to cigars... trying to inhale that once or twice will cure you of wanting smoke in your lungs hahahah

But put off each time you desire a cigarette and give yourself a good reply: whether it's regarding the money you're saving, the stopping of the passive suicide, or the health result... pat yourself on the back for delaying that ciggie one more hour! "Not now...maybe next hour.."
I tried quitting cold turkey, a lot, NEVER worked, not one time
Use Chantix and i didn't even have to try, I just quit wanting them
over ten years later I have never lit another one
What I ended up doing with smoking was buying pipe tobacco, a high quality roller, and I buy cigarette tubes that have filters and roll for my cigarettes for 10 dollars a week, sometimes for less