How Were Keeping Cool Living In A Van In South Florida With NO A/C

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CamperVan Cory

New member
Jun 5, 2016
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On the road in my van
Dealing with this south Florida heat in the van! Cant wait to head north, just have to finish a few things with the van. Its brutal out here so i figured id make a video on how me and Rocko dog are trying to stay cool while van dwelling in hot climates like florida. Check it out! Safe travels everyone!

the first thing I would suggest is to open the rear doors and have that fan running. the 2nd thing I would suggest is to post more on here and not just post links to your videos. people here have replied to you and asked questions and you never answer you just post a link to another video. highdesertranger
Agreed, I never follow links from posters that just dump their blog/YouTube stuff here
Yeah its one thing to actually wanna spread information and help people along, but dumping links without engaging isn't very courteous.  Thanks for the video tho, if you happen to read this.
who cares guys honestly if it helps someone and is relevant to the forum. i followed the link... gosh you just click, wow what a waste of time. the one thing i have noticed is there are a lot of forum-snobs out there. plus it only helps this site get more traffic. i don't know this guy but i am looking for ac solutions
Me too!!!  I work nights so I have to sleep days and its impossible....I wake up drenched and lord forbid I need to peel my stuck on britches down to tinkle.... Then u can forget about ever getting them up again... I dont see how people staying in the desert can handle it...and when I gotta be stealthy about it too.... Even w the windows down some... Forget it.. Ill be glad when I can be mobile and not be tied to this job...I've got to learn how to do this elevation travel thing... I keep eyeballing the parking deck at the hospital here but my high top is taller than their stated clearance... So I bake... :-(
CamperVan Cory said:
Dealing with this south Florida heat in the van! Cant wait to head north, just have to finish a few things with the van. Its brutal out here so i figured id make a video on how me and Rocko dog are trying to stay cool while van dwelling in hot climates like florida. Check it out! Safe travels everyone!

Hey Cory, im in Bama.. I tried the homemade ac bucket idea last summer when my ac went out... It really doesnt work that great...:-(
People in the Desert don't have the humidity that the SE has!
A completely different hot...... think "open the oven door" type heat..... Hellish actually.

is this a new utube con? join a forum to try and poach clicks, seems kinda sleazy, at least when Bob went to the dark side he's pretty much leaving us alone.
I don't mind some you tube. But i wish they were quicker. Like skip all the long selfey explanations or something.
Yeah........ IF I were a Moderator here, this entire thread would vanish in a heartbeat, maybe even ban the OP if this is all he ever posts.

But alas....... I'm not.......

We routinely pull crap like this in "VW World"!

i wouldn't ditch the thread, but i would give the OP a warning
They posted a link and included info on what the link involved. Seems to me they followed forum rules on this. What's the problem? I love telling other people how they should live\act\speak, but it turns out, that just makes me annoying(more annoying).
And dropping click bait on a forum where many might have limited bandwidth is also annoying. Especially if just for added views. :dodgy:
Maybe wasn't his best attempt at a post, self-promotion most likely... the de-monetizing of YT recently has shaken up a lot of the posters there.  

I've seen a few of his offerings, but then I've watched several others as well in the past. Can't really remember how good he was or what

If the link was promoting that ice cooler a/c thing, it has so-so reviews. Certainly won't work in high humidity. Now Phoenix next Tuesday is suppose to be 119 degrees, that might be a decent test of the system...  :p
On his You Tube channel he installed a window air conditioner replacing the rear window of the van in July 2016.......the month after making that post here............
he hasn't been on the forum in a year. with the new rules that are in place he would not be allowed to post these and his posts would be deleted. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
he hasn't been on the forum in a year.  with the new rules that are in place he would not be allowed to post these and his posts would be deleted.  highdesertranger

HDR, I dont keep up (or even know where to look) for the "new rules that are in place".  Where are they found?

Caretaker, the de-monetizing was in reference to a big flap a few months ago (maybe ongoing, not sure) from YT posters who had lost advertisers or ad revenues due to "offensive" remarks or vids or things like that. They all of a sudden lost major money (guess that was their total livelihood so they were upset) and had an appeal process that they didn't like. To hear some of their (sob) stories, they either didn't have a clue as to how the decisions were made, didn't care, ranted about the loss of their "free speech content" or other reasons.

See "You Tube De-Monetizing Explained" off a google search, the author covers the topic well. A summary of the Internet Creator Guild article said: "By sharing revenue with creators for the last ten years while no other social media site has offered similar deals, YouTube has created a vibrant and wonderful content ecosystem. But YouTube also has a particularly difficult job in that tens of thousands of people’s livelihoods depend on it and so quick reactions and fear are to be expected when big changes happen or are perceived to be happening."

Hope that clears that up, guess I should have explained the term a bit.

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