:huh: Hi folks, looking for ideas that you use to remove old dried up carpet glue from metal van floor. Want to put bed frame tonight but, need to clean the floor first.
if it's a solvent based glue you are going to have fun, not.
have you tried soap and water and a scrub brush? if that won't touch it you will have to use a solvent like Acetone. be careful with the fumes, a proper breathing mask is a must. A DUST MASK WILL NOT CUT IT. NO SOURCE OF IGNITION.
you could try a wire wheel on an angle grinder which would lessen the fumes but I would still wear a mask and of course eye protection.
Power sanding rarely works on those types of adhesives. That is because the friction of the spinning sander heats up the glue. When the glue gets warm from the friction it gets very sticky and then it clogs up the surface of the sandpaper instead of falling away as dust particle.
"Power sanding rarely works on those types of adhesives"
that's why I said to use a wire wheel on an angle grinder. I guaranty that a wire wheel and a 4 1/2 inch angle grinder will make short work of it. it's going to make a mess but the adhesive will be gone. actually I would rather do it that way then use chemicals.
P.S. I don't mean one of those dinky little wire wheels for a drill. a drill does not have enough RPM to do the job quickly. I like this type rather than the cup type,
I did this very same thing -- removed that old glue. Used goo gone and a metal scraper. It took three days. I don't know if the goo gone did much good but it was a Chore and took LOTS of elbow grease and patience.
Just curious if it will be seen. Most at least put a mat or insulation on the floor. If you are going cover it up or glue something else down just hit the high spots with the wire brush/grinder and spray rust prevention paint anywhere there is bare metal. No matter what you use I would try to make it one piece/removable for cleaning up fluid spills. Thick rusty metal paint covers up a lot of imperfections in my experience and most painted surfaces that are walked on need painted once a year or so. My floors in my camper are plywood painted with semi gloss acrylic exterior house paint and being like a plastic coating have held up well but on metal would probably not stick.