Groovy2 said:
found this video on How to make Accurate Templates Easily -
- Huge time saver - Super Simple - paint stick and a pencil -
Glad I watched it -
another method that I learned from having a boat is called a witness stick.
I couldn't find it on Youtube or the internet, so I will do my best to describe it.
You take a paint stirrer and cut off the end at a sharp angle so that it comes to a point at one side. then down one side of the stick you cut v notches about every 3" and lable them a,b,c, etc.
To use, you place your cardboard or whatever you are using to draw on in the same plane as the contour you are trying to copy, (like on the video). Put the point of the stick onto the starting point and take a pencil or pen and mark inside of one, (or more), of the V's that you made and put the ID of the v on the paper so you know which one you used, (if you traced the V marked "a" , put an "a" inside of the drawn V mark). you can also draw down the smooth side of the stick to make it more accurate.
Move the point of the stick to the next point you want to mark and do the same. Do this a number of times.
Now take the paper and put it on the wood or whatever you wish to cut and tape it so that it will not move. Now take and put the stick on the paper and place it so that it aligns with the notch letter and smooth line side, ( if you see a V marked b put the b notch on the paper so that it aligns with the b mark that is drawn).
Take the pencil and trace around the point of the stick. Do that for every V that is on the paper.
Now connect the tip lines that you have drawn and it will be the exact contour that you were looking for.
It sounds a lot harder than it is.