Aug. 8, 2019
After some lengthy consideration I finally washed the little stack of 'dishes' from the last time I cooked that had been glaring at me from across the small spanse of my tiny home for weeks. Around here utensils are only granted a seat in the dishpan after a thorough rinsing, and therefore, are only 'dirty' if needed for use. I normally run a pretty tight ship; but these days since the Total Knee Replacement, I just don't give a sh*t anymore; except for the mental/emotional toll it takes on me to NOT be sitting in serene, lovely surroundings. :angel:
Eating out is pretty easy in these parts although not very healthy. From foraging along the 3 or 4 burger and breakfast places within a 10 mile radius, I've gained a few pounds. Yuk.
I decided to go to the grocery store (half a days journey!) for some 'real food'. (Okay, it's actually 35 miles one way, but it does take a while to drive round trip. After you add in the time at the store, it does kind of become a more lyrical sounding 'half a day's journey'.

Down here in Texas, we are blessed (and I really mean that!) to have our own chain of grocery stores called HEB after the founder, Harold Edward Butt. MM Hmm.. That's right. (When MY kids were little, after being informed of this bit of trivia/history; they began calling it HeButt.) Dear, dear.
ANYWAY... If you're ever near one, do go in. I was particularly happy after yesterday's visit to the university area location. (There are FOUR in BCS== (Bryan/College Station!!)) Since it's summer and the students are still on leave and I went in the early morning, I avoided the crowd, and was surprised to find the addition of SCADS of pre packaged (yet local) salads, fruits already cut, etc etc.! Have I gotten lazy? You bet I have! After 30 years of child rearing, homeschooling, in home child care, and a life in generally spent serving others... Heck Yeah I'm gonna be lazy sometimes.!! I do worry a bit about salmonella.. but hey... The chances are soooo minimal it hardly outweighs the convenience. Just so you know: I have always been a real food, cut from original, do it myself, scratch as much as possible person. But I digress.
This morning I've started a list of "Van Food". I'm starting with things that are non perishable. Although I have one of those little auto refrigerators, it can't run ALL the time, unless I'm driving/running engine. SO my first things on the list are Walnuts and Raisins. That's it. Guess I'll order some more off Amazon before I leave. (They're organic, cheaper and packaged well for van travels). I'll add items to the list as the next few days progress, as well as figuring out my 'van altered' daily routine list.
Okay.... that's it for now.. on to the dog bathing and laundry duties... or?? something else I may ultimately deem more important. I'm really wanting to get going. (Must check the forum on packing for the road/clothing, etc.!!) Maybe I'll just go shopping along the way.. no wait.. the dogs can't stay in the van in the heat.. hmm... This whole thing reallllly reminds me of Rosanne RosannaDanna's quote: "It's aways somethin'. If it's not one thing, it's another!".. But I enjoy the challenge.