I am not familar with the design of a house battery system. Where can I find a good design and what would be the power requirements needed for the average conversion van?
My traveling partner use's 2 6V AGM golf-cart batteries with solar and has what seems like infinite power... I have two house battery set-ups for lite and heavy uses... I have two 12V deep cells with solar for the lite side and have an 8D 12V battery with solar for the heavy side...
This was posted on vandwellers construction( yahoo group) a couple years ago. mabye it will help. Im sure the purists will say its very basic, but it might help as a visual.
As Blkjak asked: what kind of input: 12v, 100?<br /><br />I'm no expert, but if you detailed what you wanted, and what type of power requirements you have, there are several people here who could help with design.<br /><br />And I hope you'll excuse the previous interruption to your thread.
I did a basic 110 wiring in a 77 van and just wired it as I would a house. Probably wasn't safe, but I was kid lol. My clas B had a small breaker box, which also converted to DC for 12volt devices. It had two 110 circuit breakers, and about half a dozen automotive type fuses I dont know enough to go into details, but you should be able to find one at a parts department of an RV dealer. Probably more expensive there. Or search online.