Hotel Van Break In

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Dec 4, 2016
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I almost had my van broken into at a hotel, they thought no one was inside. Just as one of them was about to do something as he was opening a plastic yellow bag. I started the engine and spooked the guy, but they didn't leave right away. He sat in the back seat of the suv with the door open and one leg hanging out. He was talking to the driver upfront, as if they or others that might be in the vehicle where deciding what to do next. That's the part that became very scary. It was about one minute of talking, but it felt like it was the longest minute of my life. Was not sure if they were crazy enough to pull out a gun. This guy had no hood or seemed at all worried about being identified. He kind of looked like the actor that did the TV series - The Greatest American Hero, but taller in size. Really a strange feeling, since this guys thoughts where far from being a hero. He may have gotten spooked, but they where just sitting there in the suv as if it were teatime, wtf.
They then left, but a minute latter a little white sporty car also with black-dark tinted windows showed up. They kind of parked at an angle to me while they kept their headlights on and then left but only after about 4 to 5 minutes later. Of course this could have been just a coincidence, but by that time I have had enough, I got the hell out of that place.   

This was their second attempt, the first time they pulled up next to me they took-off when they realized someone was in the vehicle, they saw my dash-lights and then headlights on, lucky I forgot to turn of my headlights. I was trying to charge up my battery by watching my alternator voltmeter go down. I was wondering why it was taking so long I thought it was the colder weather. But like some idiot I must of not noticed due to the bright lighting of the hotel parking lot. But since these clowns where outside they did see my lights. All I can think of now is that twice my guardian angel must have been watching me.

But what if this would had happen if I was sleeping and not listening to the radio late at night. We can only imagine what could be.

So I have a question for you all and hopefully this could be for all van dwellers or vehicles.
I heard a commercial on the radio about an alarm system that detects an intruder before they can open a door or window. This is for a building only not sure of automobiles.This gives time before any damage is done or intruder is in, time to get away in your vehicle if you don't get shot. 

So question is do any of you van dwellers know of an auto alarm that can do the same thing as this house alarm?

And Please Please Please, don't tell me a dog! Or get a pooch.   

P.S. - I did call the police, but the hotel only has security cameras at the entrance and no outside security, so maybe after this they will get cameras for the parking lot.
The alarm system you're thinking about is called a Proximity Alert.  It senses when someone is getting too close to your vehicle and, generally, sets off a little "chirp" to let them know there's an alarm on the car.  Personally I think it's a very good idea.  

I still intend to put one on my TC, but I have to address an electrical gremlin first.

Another option, if money isn't a problem, is a remote starter.  This allows you to start the vehicle without having to be in the driver's seat.....  or even in the car at all.  That way if you're in bed and you hear someone screwing around outside, you can just hit a button and the engine fires up, scaring them away (hopefully).   :-/

Oh, and welcome to  You should go the newcomers forum and introduce yourself.
You need to stay away from that hotel !
You didn't say what made you believe that they were about to break into your van?

Really sounds more like you just happened to be parked next to some sorta drug deal type thing...
Bradkw, he was looking into may van, then standing next to my cargo doors with something inside a yellow bag, as if he was about to pick my doors, not sure. But heavily looking in through the tint. This was the second time they came to my van.
Thank very very much BigT,  for that information, I will search for that alarm, sounds like a life saver. But I will have to think about the auto starter sounds very expensive.
Guess this might be a fair example of when owning a gun could help reduce the fear factor and give some options for maintaining control of a potentially bad situation. But just driving away is always the best thing to do if you can...
BigT said:
Oh, and welcome to  You should go the newcomers forum and introduce yourself.
I sure will introduce myself BigT, but it will have to be later. I work 2nd shift, getting out of work now and have no internet at these hotels. They want a password so can't get in for free Wi-Fi go figure.
yeah wherever you are, move. this is only a question but, the police or motel didn't question you about being in the parking lot and you didn't have a room? I don't know but if I were the police or motel staff that would be one of my first questions, "what room are you staying in." highdesertranger
rvpopeye said:
You need to stay away from that hotel !

rvpopeye, I sure will and thanks for the advice. They must have me marked, twice they tried, I don't want to try for a third time. It could be a strikeout.
highdesertranger said:
yeah wherever you are,  move.  this is only a question but,  the police or motel didn't question you about being in the parking lot and you didn't have a room?   I don't know but if I were the police or motel staff that would be one of my first questions,  "what room are you staying in."  highdesertranger

I called after I left the hotel. Told 911 I wanted to remain anonymous, but to inform the hotel about what was going on. Called hotel next day, but they said no police came into the office, maybe they didn't want to waist there time without any security cameras. But the hotel did thank me for the info. I called to ask if they had the outside cameras.
I was in stealth mode very large parking lot no security guards.
My spider sense says you are parking in a drug trading zone for someone. and they noticed a strange van in the area.
I would Move!
I had been wondering about an idea I saw on an RV board on Pinterest: a very small motion-activated light. The photo showed the unit (had about 3 very bright LED lights) afixed to the door of the motorhome above the lock. The idea shown was that when you approach the door, the light comes on so you can see to unlock at night.

This made me wonder if such a light would also scare away someone getting too close to a van? I also wondered if the stick=on light would hold at high speeds and over rough or washboard roads.

Anyone tried this?
might scare someone off
Also might be wireable to light up inside, to wake ypou up
WriterMs said:
a very small motion-activated light.  The photo showed the unit (had about 3 very bright LED lights) afixed to the door of the motorhome above the lock.

There's something like this at Costco. But they're for indoors only. Small round pucks with motion activated lights. Uses 3 aaa batteries. Comes with remote control that you can turn them on/off and program to be activated by motion in low to high light. So I guess you can mount them near the window and they can be triggered when someone walks by too close. You might be able to turn them on from a motel room if the van is parked right in front of the door.
Sounds like you happen to be in a drug trade zone and maybe they saw the van and were trying to figure out if you were someone waiting for some goods or perhaps another crowding on their turf. Who knows, but I wouldn't have stayed that long. If an uncomfortable situation arises, leave immediately. Better be safe than sorry.
Agree with Cheli get out right away. Park in such a way that you have the most options to leave so not to be blocked in or having to back up blindly. Ideally if you can make the van a spectacle then they should run away pretty quickly. Bright lights to light up the entire area around the van will create the spectacle and make it hard for them to see giving you a great advantage over them. Second thing would be nice to have an air horn to bring even more attention to the situation. I don't think anyone would continue to fool around with the van after that.. There's always some other vehicle they can break into without hassle like that.
I've had lots of people try to look in the tinted windows of my SUV (or even stick their head inside my open window and wake me up). Sometimes it is teens who have no concept of respecting other people's property, and they let curiosity get the best of them. No harm done. Sometimes it is drunks, potheads, and other drugged-up people. Use your judgment, not paranoia or irrational fears.
Personally, I wouldn't park in hotel lots. I've worked a traveling job for years, and my co-workers who stayed in motels often had their cars broken into. That's where thieves look for travelers. Not in my random unexpected rig in the store lot.

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