Hitting the road tomorrow

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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2014
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Here, There, & most Anywhere
I'm so HAPPY!!!!     The rig is all packed, cleaned, and tuned.  The new bicycle mount (method) is cleaner than all get out, and the bicycle is tuned up too.  

Rather than going up (north) the CA coast, I'll head inland making sure that I transverse the Sierra Nevada Mtns a couple times before hitting Oregon.  
I'll prolly buzz all around Oregon, mtn biking here and there.   Then I'll waste a ton of time on the Columbia River area.  Then I'll head north from there, checking out the greenery.  I hope to do what has worked (sometimes) well for me in the past, and that is to just take a bike out to the San Juan Islands.  I'd keep going north, turning back south at mtn Whistler. But , if things go as I wish, I'll be even slower returning, mostly on hwy 1.  

here is a pic from last fall, coming down through Big Sur ~  
(see ya all in the flip side) 


ok ok  one more pic.  Elephant Seals fighting. 

WOW , errr I mean too bad there's nothing to look at there!
Have a good trip , post more pics as you go.
both of those pictures could be (literally) taken 15 minutes from my house. (I live on the Southern Oregon Coastline.)

I'd love to go touring on a bicycle. Enjoy your travels, and don't forget us!! :D
Thanks all, for your well-wishes!

! Change of plans as it is blistering hot (VERY) in the central Cali valley and foothills:
- After scoring a large stash of Blueberries (meaning I picked them myself) , I zipped straight up I5 to Mt Shasta, and loaded up on Ice cold Glacier Spring waters in the city's park.
- This place looks like a great place to hang for a while. Quite a few "groovy" people hanging, beating the heat. So far:
- Handed out some food to the down-troddened.
- Swapped ideas with a BRILLIANT young man on the topic of Particle Physics.
- Did a minor food exchange with a beautiful lady (local hippy) who was also handing out food to the homeless in the park.
- Picked up a bottle of Brandy before heading into States that have State-run stores. (read alcohol is expensive in Oregon & WA - at least that is what I remember.)
- Next stop Ashland OR & surrounding areas in the valley. And hopefully some mtn biking.