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Jul 27, 2020
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So finally I will give the short version, around 12/13 years ago got laid off from aviation mechanic job, had been trying to keep from going on disability, had fusion surgery that I was off work for 6 months went back to working heavy maintenance on medium business jets, but the pain never went away & only got worse!
So after 6 months of the wife & I couch surfing, I got disability without needing a lawyer, so 11 years of living in the Deep South & two years ago had to suddenly move to the Midwest, my parents that are both 90 have dementia & we had to get Guardian status through the court, so until they pass on we’re stuck here!
Itching to get the F out of here, got to go camping one time since we got up here, we have a 10X10 tent & a Subaru Forester! But can’t wait to hopefully get out there & see more of the country!
I’m glad I served in the Air Force & have 10% connected disability cause I don’t have to pay to see a doctor & meds are cheaper!!
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