Hi new from Ohio

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Teressa G

Nov 6, 2014
Reaction score
Hi! Just got serious about van living and am starting to work towards getting a vehicle then building. I'm a little overwhelmed feeling like there is so much to know and so many mistakes I could make. On a tight budget mistakes can be rough. I work full time so I need to be mindful of how I will get my needs met such a showering etc. consistently. Also heat source has me stumped. As anyone who lives in can attest to temperature being unpredictable so heat needs to be handy and able to be used for long periods of time. I work in a small town so my hope is that I can be stealth and park in a variety of places at night. That being said I'm going to need to be self contained with little access to electricity other than 12V batteries. I'm hoping to gain from the massive amount of experience that members have on this site. You folks are all wonderful! Thanks so much!
Welcome from another Buckeye! You've come to the right place. Folks here are very helpful and have tons of knowledge and experience. Jan
Read up on some of the builds posted here, it'll give you a pretty good idea which direction you can take.
I use a Mr Heater buddy, others use an Olympic wave 3 for heating, it all depends on your funds and preference.
Hi there! I'm new here as well and a former Buckeye myself having grown up near Cleveland. I'm not on the road as of yet so I don't really have any advice but I thought I'd say Hello and welcome... :)
Welcome to the CRVL forums, Terssa! We've all been where you are and some of us are there, still. We understand your dilemmas and fears, totally.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
My general advice is to do the minimum you can in the beginning and after you saved up some money you'll know what you really want and need and can better afford to do it.

1) You need privcy so buy a roll of Reflectix and cut it a little large for your windows and press it into the window bay. It will stay surprisingly well.
2) you need a bed so the best thing is build one out of plywood and 2x4s but in a pinch you can just get a camping cot.
3) You need organization; I have two suggestions: 1) buy used dressers and desks and just set them in the van. 2) get plastic drawers and totes, even cardboard boxes if you're broke.
4) Get a gym membership to shower
5) Get a Mr. Buddy Portable Heater for heat

Here are some posts on setting up a van super cheap:


Here are options for toilets:

Here is a very cheap and easy conversion any handyman can build for you for very little:

Welcome from over in Illinois!
akrvbob said:
1) You need privcy so buy a roll of Reflectix and cut it a little large for your windows and press it into the window bay. It will stay surprisingly well.
2) you need a bed so the best thing is build one out of plywood and 2x4s but in a pinch you can just get a camping cot.
3) You need organization; I have two suggestions: 1) buy used dressers and desks and just set them in the van. 2) get plastic drawers and totes, even cardboard boxes if you're broke.
4) Get a gym membership to shower
5) Get a Mr. Buddy Portable Heater for heat
I agree with the 5 things, although my solutions are different.
1) I use garbage bags as curtains. I'll have to try the refletix, but what do you do with it when you're driving? The garbage bags just roll up and are ready to be lowered.
2) I've used a cot for years, it can fold up if you need the room.
3) I get cheap used suit cases, works good!
4) Gym membership is the plan. There's a way to get free memberships if you're on medicare. I ain't figured that out yet.
5) Using propane for heat ain't cheap. I like long underwear, stocking cap, sleeping bags.

I don't believe in built in stuff. If you get a new van, you have to build the stuff in again. All my stuff comes out in just a few minutes.

Welcome! What part of Ohio?
Thanks from everyone. I'm originally from a suburb of Cleveland so sounds like home. All the tips are great. I'm a bit anxious as I need to show up for work everyday not looking like a slept in my car (or Van) but I plan on keep learning as much as I can. I'd like to be on the road and free from apartment living before springtime! Thanks and always happy to hear from you all!
Teressa G said:
I need to show up for work everyday not looking like a slept in my car
I lived in a 1989 Dodge cargo van in Rockville Maryland, next door to a 12 story building that housed the dept of health and human services, where I was working. I didn't do it in the winter, which would have been harder. But it's doable. I'd get the van, and try it for a week or 2 while you still have the apartment. I'd try to do it after the winter, as winter brings a whole new set of problems.
Welcome! I am in central Ohio, so I completely understand your concern about our unbearable heat and humidity in the summer and brutal snowy and icy winters. This forum is a great place to ask questions and get real answers. Good luck with your plans!