HI. I'm a wanna be. I have a question if any one is a disable veteran how do...

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Jun 11, 2018
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...continue...you do your VA doctor appointments if rv living or suv living? By the way hi. Nice to meet everyone.  New here and am curious about living in my suv. Right now apartment dweller in Ky. Just trying to figure this one out, looking into being safe on the road and at night,  and have been studying this. Tired of being in a box. Thank you for your time and consideration in replying. I'm a 52 year old female dav veteran and on sidi wondering how to live like this. Still educating myself on this. Again, appreciate any feedback. Kat in Kentucky with her dog daisy the borador. Juvat in sylvis habitare. ~ Thomas Pain  :)
Kat, where are ya? I’m here in between Owensboro and Bowling Green. Do you have tricare and Medicare? If so you don’t have to use the VA.

I imagine it could be a pain getting care in different VAs. They don’t seem to be set up for travelers.
Im not disabled, but a viet nam vet....

get an appointment at your VA and they will ask if you want your information to be shared country wide to all the
other VA clinics and hospitals...

when that's done, you can make an appointment at any one of them... tho it might take a month to six weeks to get one... 

If you know where you will be in a month or so, call ahead and make the appointment

Wonderingbiker, great idea. I've used VA for going on 15 yrs. Have moved to different states ages ago back home now but never suv living. The VA one needs a permanent address and always have to be at appointments to doctors. Ages ago before army car camped and tent camped for 2 years. Just looking at figuring out how to do this suv camping and having my ducks in a row. Thanks for your replies and am researching this a lot.
Cammalu, they sure aren't and just thinking why they are not since in military it's constant moving and every time you go in a VA something has changed or rearranged so why not they be open to a veteran moving around lol.
My Dad is 92 and is like what are you thinking but it's hard to let the grass grow under your feet as the saying goes. Just sitting here with my dog in a box in Ky. Lol.
I just see all these folks on YouTube doing the rv living and on sidi so I'm just curious if people are doing this for real and like how? Just very curious and I'm like my stuffs in storage and just sitting in an almost empty apartment just safety concerns wonder about, vehicle maintenance, and more... 

In wilderness is the preservation of life.~Thoreau
I have my olé 2004 Ford expedition. Been looking at ideas on youtube. Thanks for any education on this as I have a tight budget. Appreciate any ideas on this. Just not sure how to do the VA.....have a nice niggt. Take care. 

Life is good~Jake and Rocket Dog
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Kattrails I don’t know how you are surviving in this muggy Kentucky heat.

I’m in western KY and without AC would surely perish. We are just back to take care of a few things then we leave again.

If you find yourself traveling to Western KY give me a buzz, you can camp at my place and I have a nice spot by my pond that’s cleared. I wouldn’t do it though. Too freaking hot!
Hi Kattrails. I live in western KY, with my wanderlust, frustrated to be retired with a worthy vehicle and camping skills yet not being as free to travel as I had hoped. I travel in the Bowling Green, Louisville, Lexington, and Ashland area often and plan a longer get aways when I can. My husband and I had similar adventuring interests earlier in our lives. He now longer enjoys traveling with his current health limitations. Juggling travel plans between the never ending doctor appointments and therapy sessions takes determination. I want to wish you luck in figuring how to meet your medical needs while traveling. It seems you are relatively ready and close to launching, just being cautious, and smart. Are you considering a trip out to RTR in January? I went in 2018. I was impressed with how easy it was to arrange to meet people, male and female, with similar interests, to join a fire circle each night. There were specific small gatherings of disabled women. Some were very open, others more secretive. But they were discoverable. There was a Women's RTR following the regular RTR. They have organized smaller traveling groups, and a Facebook page. I heard somewhere maybe the Women's RTR will be before regular RTR in 2019. Caravans may form to travel out together. I encourage you to find how to connect with these groups to address some of your wise concerns. If you are along my travel route in the next few weeks, I'd be open to meeting up. Gotta run -- PCP appointment today! Joyfully, Turtle Lady
I served twice, gulf war era and oef/oif. I am Service connected at the VA and was just having this very discussion with them today.

The result is that they are able to serve you at ALL VA's. I am happy to hear you are using the DAV, as am I. Those VSO's will be very helpful as well. IE: I just got back to Ohio, while en route from Florida the VA in FL called me for a C&P exam appointment (for which I have been waiting a year). I got the patient advocate involved, letting them know I needed that appointment made in Ohio. Further, I contacted the DAV nearest where I am staying in Ohio. The DAV VSO got on the phone to the regional VA in FL and the one in OH. The VA in OH is supposed to be calling me within a week to make the C & P appt in OH. Yes....long way to get there....but if I waited for the VA to sort this out it would have delayed me several more months. I guess the moral of the story is to use the DAV wherever you go. They are all Vets helping Vets and have been doing so since 1920. I can't say enough good about them.

I wish you well and don't hesitate to let me know if I can help you further. I've been fighting the VA for 26 years, I've learned a thing or two along the way.

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