Hi from NorCal!

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New member
Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
Hi guys!<br><br>I'm 28 and married to a lovely husband. We moved to CA from England in 2008 and haven't been able to afford a car or many vacations up to now. I'm desperate to see more of the USA as we plan to be here long-term and came across the idea of converting a van into a stealth camper (it'll also be useful as an emergency vehicle as we live right near the San Andreas Fault). I'm a total beginner to this and know nothing about vehicle mechanics, on-the-road living or anything, but I'm really keen and eager to learn.<br><br>Nice to meet you all! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br>
Hi Amethyst, Welcome to our group and glad to have the two of you. Welcome to the U.S.A. too. <br>When we lived in Alaska our van and bus were used as "caches" with everything we needed to live in the middle of winter if needed....you may know that originally part of the use of a northern woods person/trapper's "cache", was to keep everything they needed to live with in case of a cabin fire. That was the only insurance we had....a place to live if our cabin burned down,,,,So very wise to have a van as a "bug out" vehicle in case of emergency....<br>Bri<br><br>
Welcome, Amethyt. As you get the van ready to travel in you will have lots of questions. Fortunately, we love questions! Feel free to ask them here. Bob<br>