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Oct 5, 2020
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I still work as a nurse but wanted info on how to set up my 'mommy van' so that I can travel comfortably from So Cal to Cannon Beach OR, where friends live. I often travel up there. After reviewing the suggestions & videos, I now have ideas how to set up my mommy van, rest at rest-stops comfortably, and save money on food while on the road. I work the NOC shift, i.e.. graveyard shift & recently noticed, during the last number of months, more & more stealth cars spending the night on the streets around my local park. On the way to work, I stopped by a couple who were standing outside their 2 vehicles. It was clear they were trying to stealth. Gave them the website address. Told them to pass the website around to others. For those living in expensive So Cal who have lost everything because of Covid unemployment, this website is a lifeline and reminder these people are still valuable and it is not the end of the world.
Welcome Megan to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
:angel:   Great Going there.    And welcome to the CRVL Forum  :)

I do this a lot whenever I meet those who appear to be nomad.   Whether in a Van, Car, RV, Pickup Camper, or whatever.   I explain I'm still living in my house but intend in time to go full time.  I'm in limbo now due to the Corona situation but last year this time I was ready to go cook on a river Tow Boat and be on the water half the year and full time the other half.  I'd work on a month and off a month.  


Which type of RV or Conversion rig are you thinking about for your "mommy van" ?   If you are going to continue working and you already have a place to live a small RV may be all you would need to get started.  It would be already to go (even if you buy it used....California builds lots of RV's)   and it would have resale value and appeal.
Then if you wanted to shop for your dream Van,  you would have lots of time to find a deal on one. (to convert)
Welcome to the forum Megan. I’ve never heard of a mommy band, but anything is possible. If you find out you like van life there are several videos on line about travel nurses who get free parking in the parking lot of the hospital and premium wages because they fill in for staff that are out. If you want to we like to hear more about a person’s rig and maybe even see some pictures. No pressure you do as you want. God bless the nomads every one
A mommy van is the one a family with kids gets. Lots of passenger seats but of a height and width to fit into the garage.
Welcome Megan, It's nice to have you here with us.

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