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Active member
Jan 25, 2017
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Hi there again. Re-introducing myself as I have been a member on this site, but have not visited for a few years. 

Isn't it funny how life just gets in the way?  Resuming my research on camper dwelling now. 

We are located in Wisconsin and might want to explore the possibility of doing road tripping for long distances, possibly for 

months at a time. Not sure what our next step is. We are concerned about how secure our home and everything is if we 

are gone for a few weeks/months. Is anyone else in this situation? If you have a sticks/bricks home, what do you do for 

security while you are gone?  Hope everyone is doing well and is healthy.
Hello, welcome back. I hope you find want you want and need. Do you have a trusted neighbor(s)? Things like timer lights and motion detector lights and alarms can help. Cameras too, my son has several he can see on his iPhone anytime anywhere. I know that when I lived in a small community I was able to communicate with the police department that I was out of town until…, they took my contact information and regularly passed by to check and be a deterrent. I hope it works out maybe we’ll see you on the road.
Hi Nature Lover. Thanks for the ideas. We actually do live in a smaller community and have a few relatives around here that could keep an eye on things. Just not sure how it would work for a month or two though.

(One word answer to what you do while you're gone. If someone messes with your house or stuff, claim it on insurance.)
Do you have a relative that might move in rent free for a couple of months? I moved my niece and her hubby in several years ago and am still enjoying my freedom
Welcome back to the CRVL forums! I paid a neighbor to mow the lawn and had a couple of others (behind and next door) to keep an eye on the place. As has been said, if something happens, that is what insurance is for. Have a good time and what happens, happens.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
My wife and I worry about our sticks and bricks as well. We have her son check on the property and walk through the house once a week but still have had things come up missing so we bought a safe that is very heavy and bolted down to the floor and wall to keep our important and valuable items in. We have changed the locks and installed a security camera system as well as talk to neighbors we know we can trust to keep an eye on things for us. You can also ask your local police department if they're willing to drive by while on patrol for added sense of security. No matter what precautions you take the fact of the matter is it's only going to keep honest people honest and if someone wants it they'll take it, even when your home. Ultimately it's up to you to safely secure your items and hope you have reliable people to help when you're gone but having someone stay at your house is the best option if available. We use to worry but now we live our lives and deal with any difficulties as they arise.

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