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Jun 6, 2021
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just wanted to say hi.  I'm at the end of my career endof daddy days and end of marriage.i miss the road and will be back on her soon any advice words of hope or friend requests please send
Welcome Lost Soul to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.

LostSoul said:
just wanted to say hi.  I'm at the end of my career endof daddy days and end of marriage.i miss the road and will be back on her soon any advice words of hope or friend requests please send

Lots of us got into doing this because we had an unwanted change in our lives.

When you were on the road before, how long ago was it and why were you doing it?
jacqueg said:
Lots of us got into doing this because we had an unwanted change in our lives.

When you were on the road before, how long ago was it and why were you doing it?
and many are choosing to be here, not for negative reasons.. But simply for a different life style.. I also understand that many feel like they were forced into it.. But I like to see the glass half full..
jacqueg said:
Lots of us got into doing this because we had an unwanted change in our lives.

When you were on the road before, how long ago was it and why were you doing it?

In my early 20's I spent three years on the road living out of a Chevy s-10 and a camper, was the happiest time of my life. I got th Dream Job married divorced re-married move to kentucky and have spent the last 30 yrs miserable. I miss the freedom and now that I am retiring I'm only 53 and my marriage is ending theres no reason m for me to stay. i dream of the canyons and forests the wide open plains the west coast. Even though i do A little long distance hiking its never been enough.
Scott3569 said:
and many are choosing to be here, not for negative reasons.. But simply for a different life style.. I also understand that many feel like they were forced into it.. But I like to see the glass half full..

Scott3569 i am very sad for the end of my marriage and even more that after 30yrs working for a major automotive manufacturer its almost over but at the same time i've never been truly happy settled down in one place.I'm lucky i will have  pension no house of my own or any other bills and like the last response theres no real for me not to join those who live this lefestyle.my wants are little needs even less.
Where in KY are you lost soul? We are near Beaver Dam in the summer months.
Louisville but i spen a lot of time at the red river gorge and cumberland falls
Were you there during the time you could see the moonbow over the falls? For a Kentucky boy it is sort of a rite of passage. By the way welcome!
Well you are just 100 miles east of us then. When you go to see the Moon bow where do you stay? I’ve been wanting to do that.
The moon bow is an absolute must do. My daughters is in Harlan County and when I camp I’m in letchure county KY. But driving to see the moon bow is a worthwhile thing I’ve done it several times.
When you camp are you in dispersed camping or at a park?
Camalou, if you are asking me - When in Letcher County I camp on mission property. Eolia Christian Community Outreach or friends in the area of the mission. Never spent night in the area of the falls.
Oh ok. I was wondering if you had found a place near the falls.
Ok gang been awhile and many miles, I am doing a test run over the next three weeks I am driving out to the west coast and back taking three weeks and will be tramping the whole time wishe me luck and anyone got a suggestion for boondocking in nebraska
It is a very sad thing to feel like you have the need to identify yourself as a lost soul. Perhaps a new user name will help you move forward with a considerably more upbeat identity.

Start walking in a new pair of shoes. You have worn out the souls on the old ones.
Only camped in NEBRASKA one time..........

We found cheap primitive camping at Lake McConaughy State Recreation area in the SW corner of the state

the area was below the dam and had full service campgrounds as well as "dry" camping at a great swimming/fishing lake

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