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Jul 28, 2020
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Hi! My first time here. I'm so excited to start this new adventure! I've been watching videos for a year now. Bob Wells CheapRViving of course is my favorite!!! I've learned a lot and I trust him the most.. I've always dreamed of being a Monad.. Now in these strange times and my age of 55, its time to make the dream come true.. I am on disability and don't have much to live on. I have a little truck that I'm going to sell and looking to buy a van soon. I'm on here to learn from you all with your expert experience! Its going to be scary at first I'm sure. I know I can do it! The more knowledge and cheerleading you send my way, the more anxious I will be to just do it! Thank you!!
Welcome to the CRVL forums, Christine Angel! You can do this! We're here to answer your questions so don't hesitate to ask about anything and everything.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome Christine!

Good luck in the hunt for your new home! Ask as many questions as you have, of the answer isn't here, there's most definitely a link to be shared!

Looking forward to seeing your van build!
Welcome to the CRVL Forum :)

Probably the most important thing for you to do is find a good solid dependable Van.
This time of year a lot of them will become available as companies sell off their Van Fleet to replace them with new year models. The Cargo Vans's generally only have windows in the front and rear doors. A lot of them only have them in the front doors. Then there is the side door question....one that slides open or "barn doors" that both open outward. If you get something that is in good shape and had light general delivery use, you'll probably have most of the important stuff done. Then you will be ready to build out.

The first link below details getting started for a beginner like this.

The second link is about learning before you go out there. Then you can refer to it once you are out there. It will make the getting started & going a lot easier and more comfortable.

Good luck !
Thank you so much for the quick replies. Thank you so much for all the advice!!! Boy, I sure do need it.. I appreciate you all!!! I'm so happy I can come here and read everyone's fun adventures.. I'm alone. I'm scared. Fear of the unknown. But, here I feel welcomed. I have to get out of my situation soon. I need a happy and healthy mind, body, and soul! Thank you again Everyone, Peace!!!
Christine Angel said:
.. I've always dreamed of being a Monad.. 
I have a little truck that I'm going to sell and looking to buy a van soon. 
Hi Christine and Welcome to the forum, :).

I'm a Monad too, I think that's the definition of someone who lives in S&B, but is a part-time Nomad. (just kidding). But I think that's what I'm gonna start calling myself, in any case. It fits. "a simple, single-celled organism". Thank you.

Offhand, just how "little" is your truck? You may be able to use it effectively for traveling, at least in the interim before you trade it for a van. The best way to get into it is "one step at a time". Start with local camping trips and build up learning as you go.
Welcome and best of luck in your upcoming venture.
Oh my, that was a typo! I didn't proofread my post. Omg, embarrassed... Sorry. Glad you understood.. Thank you for your response! I have a GMC Sonoma extend cab. Lots of miles, don't trust it and really no room. Its a stick shift and a snail going up mountains. I have it for sale in my local paper. Fingers crossed it sells. I slept in it, a couple weeks ago. Not comfortable.. Anyway, thank you again for responding that was really nice!
Don't worry, be happy. It's almost impossible to make a post without a typo here and there. (and see my new subtitle - I love it, thank you, I was searching for one, lol).

If your truck does have a lot of miles, it is better to have something newer especially if doing a lot of traveling. Break downs on the road are no fun whatsoever. The van and RV sections of the forum are full of dozens of threads on various options. Everyone here has an opinion. Good luck.
Too funny! Glad I could help! Yes, time to sell truck. I hope to travel to to the southwest. Camp for winter. Travel northwest for the summer. That is my goal anyway. Dreaming!
lol...nomads that are monads with gonads....or not...

I'm confused but grinning...


Anyhow, welcome, Christine, to the weirdness!
Wow, I know... Getting a lot of comments about that. That was a Typo!!! I made the huge mistake of not proof reading first. There was a lot of mistakes in that. Anyway, thank you for pointing it out to me. I'm typing on a small Android phone. I'll get better. This is my very first forum. I can tell I will learn a lot. I will take all and any advice
Thank you, peace
Christine, let me warn you about Tex's famous (or infamous) sense of humor (or lack thereof). Ok, you've been warned.
It takes a lot to offend me. Younger years I was a waitress and a bartender. I've heard it all! I'm here to learn about vanlife. If weirdness is involved so be it. As long as its nice!
Christine Angel said:
If weirdness is involved so be it.
I don't think you'll find that to be at all the norm around here ... in general. Especially not in newcomers threads.

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