Hello, tippin' my toe's in the water.

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Aug 10, 2020
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Hi, I'm Evelyn, and at present I live in Missouri. I was about 10 or 11 when I first had the desire to travel and bring my house with me. I've gathered skills that could travel if need be, though I'm a little rusty at them now. 

I am really new at this forum stuff, and I don't know what all to say in the introductory post, so if you can inspire me with a question or two that would be helpful.

My vehicle is a 2000 Chevy Blazer (S-10) size. rather small, but I have a 5' x 8' cargo trailer that I purchased in Michigan when I relocated here 5 years ago. It's a long sad story so I'll save it for another time. But the trailer cost me 900. and it has a permanent license plate registered in Michigan. My Blazer is in the shop having a new transmission put in, the guy is a bit slow so I don't know for sure when it will be done. It will have a 3 year warranty so I opted for the new one. It's 4 wheel drive, with a toe package and electric brake. 

The Blazer has given me a lot of trouble since I bought it in Michigan, somewhere above Bay City where my sister lives. I'm hoping this is the last of it. I paid 4,000. and the transmission will put it over 4,000. in repairs and add-on's like the breaks and toe package. I have pictures of both if anyone wants to see them.

Okay, I can be a bit chatty so I'll stop here unless someone has a question. Thank you for letting me join these forums.

And Thank you Bob Wells for making me remember I wanted to travel.

Welcome Evelyn to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome to the CRVL Forum :)

If you can get the Blazer road worthy you have some good components to start out with.
With a little build out on the trailer you'd have a facility to live out of and a decent
tow & touring vehicle to get around in.

One of the most important things to have is good tires, and in your case you may have to decide if you are going to travel on roads or off roads. (as in rough camping) Off road tires tend to cut into your gas mileage. But as you read thru these forums, you'll learn about all of this stuff.

In the meanwhile let me offer you to view the two links below. They may be helpful to know about.

Question ? Does that little 5 X 8 trailer have electric brakes ?

Yes it does. I got them at Complete hitch in Southgate Mi where I used to live. They did both my electric brakes and the tow package.

Thanks for those links. Simple instructions on conversion was just what I needed. I didn't explore the other one much yet but I copied both links to my notes, so I'll be checking it out later. I have AAA Platinum right now been with them for 43 years, and my trailer is included on that. I didn't want to have any trouble when I moved to MO. and it was reasonable enough that I just kept it up. When my transmission went out I was in Rolla MO, and AAA towed me from there to Saint Robert MO just outside Fort Leonard Wood, that's about 50 miles, and it didn't cost me a dime. They took it right to my brothers shop over back roads. Great people here in MO.

Thanks again
Hi come on in the waters fine , 
I wouldn't bring anything up , but since you said New trans coming , You might consider asking your mechanic about putting a good after market trans cooler at the same time ,  Just a thought ,
Here's hoping you don't have to hurry and all goes as you plan   :thumbsup:

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