Hello, New Here, Trying to figure out what type of vehicle?

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Jun 3, 2021
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Hello There All,
I am new here but been thinking about this and planning for the last 5 years.
I live in Northern California where the weather is good.
I am trying to decide WHAT VEHICLE or UTILITY TRAILER or WHATEVER would be best for me to do this way of life??? I want to live pretty comfortably. (In a condo now, and may need a storage unit)
I do own a Ford F-150 truck. Older 2002 truck
I had thought about a stealth utility trailer???
I do want to stay in and around California due to older children being here, but want to be able to camp stealthily or close to it.
I have thought about everything from RV's to utility trailers to sprinter Vans.  :huh:
I heard that if you use a vehicle that drives, that if it breaks down, you have to take the whole thing in for repairs. So, I am leaning towards a stealth utility trailer. Please help...
All advice is MUCH appreciated in advance!
Thank you! Good to be here.
If you want comfort, you're going to need more than a pickup truck as your only real option with that is a (lightweight) slide-in, which would be fairly cramped.
Would you be comfortable towing and backing up a trailer? How much do you plan to move around?
Hello There,
Sorry for the confusion...I was going to pull a utility trailer or RV or trailer with my truck. I wanted STEALTH though.
Any thoughts?
IMHO - stealth is more in your mind than in reality. That you is not personal but meant as a general reference to nomads. Someone who knows what to look for can spot a nomad who’s trying to hide very quickly. I learned to do it in the first year or two that I was part timing. I really ticked off some people when I walked up to them and said “how long have you been in the van and are you full time.” I am absolutely certain that the police know how to spot them too. I surely don’t want to discourage anybody but don’t deceive yourself stealth living in a vehicle is not easy to pull off. Who do you want to hide from? Neighbors? Police? Family? Are nomads? After making yourself familiar with the nomad lifestyle on Bob’s videos and others take a trip to an area where nomads frequent and you’ll find them all over the place. You can probably learn something about stelf by seeing what others are trying to get away with what sticks out like a sore thumb and what doesn’t.

I don’t want to be the wet blanket and discourage you at all that’s just my opinion and I am the world‘s best expert on my own opinion. But that doesn’t make my opinion right. So welcome to the forum, and welcome to the life. I hope you find what you’re looking for.
Not sure how to do this reply stuff. I just want to be able to camp within a city and be comfortable. I have a pick up truck and am thinking about a buying and outfitting a utility trailer or something else??? All help is much appreciated.
Welcome thewestlander to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.

I agree with the others you are not hiding from anyone. Any one who wants to know, knows you are living in your rig.

What's the payload and/or how much can you tow with your truck?

Stealth is sleeping on the couch in your sleeping bag at your children's house or in a tent cot on the back porch in my opinion. Anyone that has lived this lifestyle for any amount of time will tell you there is no thing such as stealth. Even hiding in a box in the back of a windowless van won't fool everybody. Especially those who have to deal with nomads. Best to camp where attempting to be stealthy isn't required. It is also much easier to be comfortable and get a good night's sleep if you are not worried about getting the knock. A utility trailer is a good base if you have the skills to build it out or are willing to learn them. A half ton truck with a topper can be livable but nothing like your condo. Full time living for most weighs too much and takes up too much space to do it comfortably in a utility trailer less than 6' x10' and it should be a dual axle and be towed by a 3/4 truck, again in my opinion There are several that have already accomplished what you are considering Tioga and George and RV Sue started many years ago. Searching their sites will provide lots of good information but dated, tnttt.com has a cargo conversion forum hidden in its forum pages that is excellent. Lots to consider here first thing is make sure you know your limits, maybe take a few camping trips in your truck, you might find a tent and a truck topper works or may find you need a motorhome to be comfortable enough to go full time. Everybody is different and has different needs, find out what yours are and if it is possible for you to do.
He’s right. Someone trying to be stealthy can be spotted a mile away. Think instead about your comfort.
I think you can be stealth, ISH....i think the best vehicle is a mini van like a dodge caravan or similar, because you can fit nicely in a line of parked cars and not stand out. Ideally with a poptop so when you are hanging out during the day you can stand to cook etc. Second best vehicle would be a reg size van, ideally with a low profile poptop. Next version is a reg size van with a high roof for thé comfort factor. When you can stand up it is much more comfortable, it will stand out a bit more in a row of parked cars but if you park and can access your sleeping area without getting out you are miles ahead of a trailer where you have to get out walk around, open and close doors and look different in a row of parked cars as well as the problems of finding large parking spots for both units and towing that thing around all day. Even with a slide on, for your existing pickup could be stealthish, if you can access your slide on from the cab, many people live in appartements and own slide on campers parked in the street. Sure you won’t fool everybody but you won’t draw attention to yourself if you stand out as little as possible, don’t have to get in and out of your vehicle, open and close doors etc.

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