Hello from Washington

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Aug 11, 2016
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I am a newcomer to this forum.
My Bride and I are 75 and 72. 
We are grandparents of 5 wonderful kids, 2 girls and 3 boys.
We have loved to drive around and look at things since we first met over 50 years ago.
I am a mechanic and designer of everything, artsy and mechanical.
Currently I have a full shop that includes woodworking tools as well metal working tools.
We will be having to change our living situation in the near future so I have been looking
at the possibility of going on the road for a while, maybe even a few months or years.
The beauty of going on the road for us, is I would have a home base with our children to
return to periodically.  So initially it would help to have a back door safety net.
Even if we returned home, we would live in the motor home; just close to the kids.
Welcome to the CRVL forums, Lonejack! I think this will be a wonderful journey for you and your bride. And how lucky that you have a back door, if you decide this life isn't for you.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome to the CRVL Forum :) 

Sounds like a great plan.  You could be on the road as much as you like,  go south in the winter, north in the summer and visit the kids in between for a bit.  Around with each other just often enough to show photos
and videos to the family and as the kids are to an age where you could take them camping for a week end
when you are in it would give your big kids a break.   Win win.  =) 

All the best in your travels !
Welcome aboard Lonejack.
If you have any questions about life on the road just ask.
Welcome! I am also in Washington. It is a wonderful state to live in and to live in a van, in! I wish you both Grand Adventures!
Hi Lonejack and Bride,

I'm in WA too. For the past several years I've been going south right after the holidays. Like you, I have family and grandkids in Washington where I'm spending the summers. I've been spending the last couple of winters in the desert southwest and I'm liking it. Unfortunately, my Groom doesn't like to travel; so, he takes care of our pets and home while I'm away.

If possible, I'd recommend attending the Rubber Tramp Rendezvous (RTR) that's held each January in Quartzsite, AZ. It's a good time and place to meet up with fellow travelers. Here's a link -- http://www.cheaprvliving.com/gatherings/ .

I hope to see you down the road!

Hello! I'm in Washington as well for the time being. I'm working on moving to a less expensive locale and I'll be going to the winter RTR as well if I get my van the repairs it needs in time.
Hello all

I have been static for a good part of the summer after moving from NW CO to Ashland OR.  I am planning on going all the way up the coast and then over to BC Canada.  Is anyone near - maybe we can camp overnight at the same place?

Send me a private Message or post.

Glenda "From Oz"
Hi all,
Sorry for the absence.  I have been hunkering down designing and scheming.
Currently, I am leaning pretty heavily on getting a retired, hey two old farts might make a great match, school bus and converting it to a home for my Bride and I.  
Right now I am looking at something about 38 feet.  I know this might seem a little large for some of You, but it is cheaper than spending $15 to $20K on a used RV that is poorly built.  These ole school buses are built like tanks.  And we can design it the way we want.

Some of the things I am looking at are:
1. A recirculating grey water system, pumping the grey water through a pre-filter, then a sand filter, then back into the potable water system.
2. A vermicomposting toilet.  This uses worms and coir or peat or sawdust to process the waste.
3. A solar ice freezer for cooling.
Another great thing about the size of the school bus, I can get the basic dwelling built and complete the project on the road.  I will have enough room to store building tools.
We also have also been discussing contingencies when we get too elderly to travel on our own.  Hey, we have grandkids..