hello from upstate ny

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Sep 6, 2020
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Glad to be here and hope to find some good reads. I'm 2 years from retiring and daydreaming of being a nomad.
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Welcome to the forum. Daydreaming can be fun. I have filled notebooks and files over the years preparing for a life of van dwelling. But nothing helped like just getting out there and doing it. A Couple of days at a time stretching out sometimes to a month. That kind of practice is invaluable. You learn what you need to know and learn to know what you need. Sometimes just knowing what you don’t need is the most helpful. This forum has lots of information it’s your job to sift through it find out what applies to you and your situation. Good luck turning those dreams into reality.
Funny because I’m dreaming of living in WNY or upstate. I love it there. I hate California so much and a lifetime of bad memories. Two days ago it was 113 and the electricity went out for two days not to mention rolling blackouts. I love Chautauque County.
Have you seen Chautauqua county New York in the winter. Lake affect snow is a wonderful thing. I hope you have some type of loader and a huge truck to pull it out of there.
But that is why we have wheels! I went to college in WNY off Lake Ontario and know first hand what fun (NOT!) winters there can be. So my retirement snow bird plan is to spend the warm weather months near the Great Lakes and the winter months in Florida....the best of both worlds.
No way would I try and live in a vehicle in WNY in winter. I’m thinking of renting a house in Fredonia or a smaller town like Mayville. I’m too old and have more limitations now to try and drive on black ice along with all the other issues of cold weather vehicle living. I can no longer deal with heat has to do with my autoimmune conditions.

I spent a year in Scandinavia so snow and cold weather aren’t going to shock or kill me. I know about the lake effect. It’s so funny to me how people try and stop others from staying in a place they love. I could list 50 solid reasons not to go near California yet one in eight Americans lives here. Every place you do that about there are people living there.
I’ve been in WNY in winter but not lived there.
I would be wrong to put down western New York for its beauty it’s lakes it’s quiet country towns etc. I have friends who live there and are farmers. They have a covered walkway that looks like a covered bridge between their house and their barn when the snow is three or 4 feet deep they still have to milk the cows. When I was a young one going through western New York in the winter was an adventure I’m too old for snow and ice so I’m with you it’s Florida in the winter and upstate PA and New York in the summer. Long live the snowbirds.
Yes I’ve never seen a place with gently rolling hills, tiny lakes, old growth forest and old Victorian homes. Cultural-so many artist communities. And really calm, nice people. It’s a fantasy. I like Florida but the humidity is killer. And it’s boring (to me) more of the same.
PA and NY state are very different. I haven’t been to New England I might feel the same. I didn’t move around the US like other people have (I’ve lived in other countries) I’d like to see the Midwest. Was disappointed in Ohio. Anyway yeah to each his/her own.

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