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New member
Feb 24, 2012
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Hello, I'm Steve and I just ran across this site and loved everything that I have read; lots of great information. I've considered RVing full-time once I retired but recently I have been contemplating the idea of doing it sooner than later. Frankly, I'm fed up with the rent and utilities that I am paying and I have busted my ass for the past 28 years working only to have handed all of my money to someone else.<br><br>I have a good job but I am cash poor so I would have to start out living in my truck. I do have some advantages though, one I have a gym membership and a VIP locker room so hygiene will not be an issue and second, I have an office where I work and since I work graveyard, I have it all to myself for 6 hours each night. It also had the amenities of a kitchen and of course rest rooms.<br><br>I am toying with the idea of setting up to live there and out of my truck for a couple weeks to see if this is something that I am able to do. If I can then I figure that I will buyout my lease on my apartment, move out and start saving money to buy something larger than my truck.<br><br>Any thoughts? <br><br>
Welcome Steve, sounds like you would have it just about covered with being able to go to the gym and cook at work etc. When you say truck do you mean pickup with a cap or camper? <br>
<p style="margin: 0px;">Sounds like a plan, and you do have advantages. If your workplace doesn't mind you parking in their lot all day - just don't make it too obvious you're living there. Else, find a variety of public parking lots nearby. Should be easier to park unhassled during the day, if you can sleep through the daytime. </p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Good luck.</p>
<p style="margin: 0px;">Welcome, Steve <img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif"></p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Sounds like you have a good advantage ... time to try it out, plan it out, save some cash, then acquire a rolling home suited to your needs.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Points to ponder&nbsp;... once you are committed, you can make your new place much more comfortable than you will probably be in your truck ... and you can always go back to sticks and bricks if you change your mind.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">JMHO,</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Bob</p>
Donedirtcheap said:
Welcome Steve, sounds like you would have it just about covered with being able to go to the gym and cook at work etc. When you say truck do you mean pickup with a cap or camper? <br>
<br>Frontier with a crew cab and open bed.<br>
Thank you all for the warm welcome. Wondering how to plan out my days between sleep, work, and down time to where I am going to go then I believe I shall try a dry run for a week to see how things work out.<br>

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