Has anyone used supercapacitors with their battery pack?

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Oct 19, 2020
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has anyone tried using super-capacitors with their batteries for energy storage?
I’m not aware of any specific product that you’d even consider using.

The technology allows for super fast discharge and charging, but only in limited amounts. They MIGHT make sense for a short heavy load like a microwave, but generally our applications wouldn’t benefit.

Various existing battery technologies have different charge profiles, lead acid is probably the worst. LiFePo4 might be the best, but I forget the details.
sillyoldgnome said:
has anyone tried using super-capacitors with their batteries for energy storage?
I saw a video once of someone who used super capacitors to replace the starting battery in the car. It worked.

Here it is , I found it.
Welcome to the forum.

I am familiar with batteries and capacitors but not used in combination for energy storage. What advantage over just batteries should be expected? Are you meaning for the vehicle starting battery or house battery, what method of charging?

In the transportation industry these are known as 'start modules' and they are used in parallel with normal lead acid batteries. They can provide a LARGE amount of instantaneous starting current (for example, starting a large, cold diesel engine) but for long term storage of energy they generally lag behind normal batteries.

I think there are a few threads using capacitors to soft start AC systems using smaller generators here as well but none for large amounts of storage that I have seen .