Hard Times

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Apr 20, 2019
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I am new here but posted out of order. I posted a question about electrical a few days ago.

Now, I will tell our story. I am a single mother (32) to a 4 year old boy who is autistic. I have applied for disability for him. Go to the Doctor next month. I work for Uber & Lyft & Doordash. I use to work for an attorney helping elderly & disabled to get on Medicaid. (Texas) (message me for help) I quite my job when my Great Uncle got into a wreck and broke his hip. He was not able to take care of himself. He is now doing much better after a year of hard work. I worked when I could he had home health and therapy appointments. My 80 year old Grandmother and I bought a house and unfortunately they made us a bunch of promises they didn’t keep. I had a roof leak that was to be fixed. It’s still not fixed. I have mold now. I have asthma and my son hasn’t upper reactive airway disease. I plugged a charger into a wall in my living room now my kitchen, dining room, living room have no power. A friend said the whole circuit is fried. It would probably do it aging if replaced. It’s not healthy for anyone, but for us it’s harder. I have an attorney with Legal Aid who is trying to help. She said we have a case. We finally made the leap to move and to default on the mortgage payments till we go to court. I found a school bus that’s is perfect for us. I have 1/2 the $ needed to get it and the guy I am buying it from is amazing for working with us. I still need $2,000. We have to be out of the home by the 1st. I am selling all our stuff so if you want to buy something let me know. Till then I’m working 12+ Hours a day to come up with the $ if I can’t I plan to move us into a hotel putting our basics in storage.
Welcome Skooliemom to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger

I am so sorry for your problems.

I hope your attorney can get you some relief!

Hang in there.
I bet you are stressed!! I hope everything works out well to your advantage and you can fall into a way less stressed lifestyle!!
I'm sorry to hear about the difficulties you're having. Im not sure what the process is in Texas for applying for disability but in Georgia you have to jump thru hoops after hoops. It took me 3 years an attorney and a federal court hearing. Hopefully you get the aid you need for your son quickly. My only concern with your vehicle choice is that in some states it is difficult to get a bus registered as a non commercial vehicle. In Georgia it's nearly impossible but if titled in another state and then sold in Georgia it should be fine. So just double check that you can get it tagged and titled and non commercial insurance. I dont wanna stress you further but it would be more stressful if you found out after youd spent the money. Just check into it. Best wishes.
Disability is a federal program thru the Social Security Administration, so shouldn’t vary from state to state, and as I recall is a simpler process for children with a diagnosis such as autism.

If your son at age 4 has been tested and diagnosed thru the school system, that evaluation would go to his eligibility.

The good news is that this will be retroactive to when you applied, so a lump sum should be coming.

Good luck to you.
I am in Texas so switching over to an RV is super easy. Disability for children is less dramatic then adults for sure. Just takes time. A child’s disability is based off a parents income and he won’t be getting much when I had our last meeting it was $287 a month.
If you can't afford the Skoolie consider another vehicle. I know Bob plans to have a process soon for those asking for help but it isn't up and running yet. Start with what you can do.

I have an autistic nephew. He's awesome and has held several jobs and even has his own apartment. He's grown now but when he was a baby my sister was holding him, her husband driving and the baby went into a comma so they drove straight to the hospital and fortunately it was a top hospital. He had the symptoms of antifreeze poisoning. The same thing they locked another women up for years before. So he had that plus the autism and his world is really good now.

Get a running car and a tent and a tent heater if that's all you can do. Get out of the mold though.

A note about disability, when I applied they received about a 6-inch stack of medical records and about 6 diagnoses - at least 2 of them were known approved diagnoses. After 9 months without an answer we were about to go bankrupt so I had gotten a tip from someone else and wrote my state representatives. I was approved about6 weeks after that. I explained just what I said here - no details about the diagnoses just that they were adequate for approval and the fact that the SS folks were letting me go bankrupt instead of approving me. So write after you file it can't hurt and it may help.

Good luck to you and keep us posted. Now put on some music and rock out. Guaranteed to lift your spirits or perhaps jazz or?
WanderingRose said:
Disability is a federal program thru the Social Security Administration, so shouldn’t vary from state to state, and as I recall is a simpler process for children with a diagnosis such as autism.

If your son at age 4 has been tested and diagnosed thru the school system, that evaluation would go to his eligibility.

The good news is that this will be retroactive to when you applied, so a lump sum should be coming.

Good luck to you.

Sorry I forgot to come back here and check. It SHOULDN'T vary from state to state as it's a federal program like ya say. But it DOES. At least in Georgia. You deal directly with the DVRA i think it's called. Disability Veterans and other Right Asshats i assume is the acronym. I know the A is for adjudication. That's the state governments contractor that deals with applications, appeals, hearings, denials, etc. Even though I applied directly with the Social Security Administration. The DVRA sent me to 1 doctor to test my cognitive abilities after my idk 3rd denial. They denied me again. I finally had to wait until my appeal was escalated to a federal level. 

As far as back pay goes you do recieve it from the time the disability began. Up to 2 years. So if its deemed congenital then you get a max of 2 years of back pay. If it takes 3 years you get 2. If it takes 1000 years you get 2 years. Messed up system. I had a friend who got his in 6 months. Flat. He was in Arizona or California when he applied if I recall. I'd ask him but hes no longer with us.

I hope everything works out for you and yours.
Here the OP is talking about a 4 year old with autism, which is a different program and application process than for adult Veterans.

Just sayin’, and if he already has a diagnosis the process should be fairly straightforward.
Right. I'm not trying to split hairs though. My roommate iwhen I was in a public housing project for MH with the same diagnosis as me AND had a massive aneurysm in his teens had to wait 2 years himself. I'm not a veteran but I think they also handle VA disability as well. I'm convinced that Ga has a quota to maintain. It may be easier for such a young child with such a severe disability and I hope it is. Those in greater need should get access to benefits first IMO.  But in my experience that hasn't always been the case. But my main point was that for access to a federal program like that oddly enough is first decided by the state. At least in my state. And it seems their objective is to weed out everyone. Not just all the fakers, but rather everyone. I've been in group therapy with people who are nearly catatonic and have been waiting 5 years or more. Just saying.
At any rate I reread my post and I didnt realize we both used the phrase just saying. No disrespect intended. Maybe it was the power of suggestion given I'd read your post.

Back on topic. Skooliemom I hope she is as beautiful as you imagined she would be. Please do post pics. Tomorrow is so close but yet i bet it's an eternity for you atm.
Willing to work 12 hours a day shows how determined you are to make things work.

I'm willing to bet things will fall into place for you and your child. You have a good attitude and a plan, best of luck.
I am sooo happy with how everything has come along. Just been a stressful time. Thank you all for your support.
Hey, just wanted to let you see pictures of the Bus and how she is coming. I have been pretty busy trying to get her up & running. I have to be out of my home by the 1st. My Sons disability appointment also went well (I think) so fingers crossed.