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paddling_man said:
Sticky trigger! Lol
<br /><br />is that what the kids are calling it these days?&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />
well not to get in a tussle, hassle or debate, but Verne was a fictitious character in a book... But if on his journey when he needed a hair cut I am sure there were no salons about... So he had to pick up scissors or hand scissors to an aide to get his hair cut... Hence he did not sweat the small stuff as he had more pressing and important issues in front of him....
SoulRaven said:
well not to get in a tussle, hassle or debate,
&nbsp;<br /><br />Riiight! So that's what your first post is saying, and why you opened this way here. You weren't in any way helpful and was only critical of the whole thread. In other words kindly keep your opinion to yourself since you didn't have a thing to contribute here.&nbsp;<br /><br />Sure there's bigger stuff to worry about, but those questions are being answered all over this forum. There's no rule here saying we can't answer the smaller more mundane questions either.&nbsp;<br /><br />And furthermore ...<br /><br />
SoulRaven said:
&nbsp;but Verne was a fictitious character in a book... But if on his journey when he needed a hair cut I am sure there were no salons about... So he had to pick up scissors or hand scissors to an aide to get his hair cut... Hence he did not sweat the small stuff as he had more pressing and important issues in front of him....
<br /><br />Jules Verne was a real person, and he penned the quote I used. The fictitious character was Phileas Fogg. The reason he said "The unforeseen does not exist" is because his man servant Passpatout was concerned about him losing his bet on some unforeseen circumstance. The phrase is repeated by Phileas throughout the journey for obstacles large and small. Why? Because Mr Fogg took the time to consider them prior and already knew how to deal with it when the time came.<br /><br />
Gee. Maybe we need to revamp the forum? I might need help defining what constitutes appropriate material. I mean like pooping in a bucket. Is that life and death? Dating? Solar panels? Seriously, are solar panels life and death? How about multiple posts about the type of pans we cook in? I'm afraid, by your standards we'd have to delete half the forum. Depending, of course, on the pooping threads. I actually had a patient die of not pooping.&nbsp;<br /><br />Steve, I respect your right to have your opinions on this forum. I would ask that you frame them in a less judgemental way, in keeping with Bob's #1 rule: Be Nice. Telling someone their question is a trivial joke is not Nice.&nbsp;<br /><br />
SoulRaven said:
There is a saying that comes to mind "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff"... There is so many other things to worry about in this life style that are literally life and death, but worrying about a hair cut or for that matter what your hair looks like is just a trivial joke...<br /><br />Now not dogging the poster for this in no way, but&nbsp; it is this thinking that really falls by the wayside when the rubber hits the road....
And as to haircuts, yeah. My hair is weird. Very fine, and shabby looking. A good cut brings out the natural body and means zero maintenance, other than washing every couple days. I've always seen Sue before I go on the road, and she gets it into shape, just needing a trim now and then. With the prospect of an extended road trip coming up (permanent?) I will have to address this issue soon. I am going to have Sue take pics of my hair after she does it. Hope that will prevent a huge change in hairstyle from one salon to the next.
funny topic!&nbsp; Beware of the Beauty schools! I went to Beauty school and graduated...and let me tell ya....mistake town usa!!!&nbsp; It's more like experiment school lol!&nbsp; But anyway, try Walmart like the other person said. they have tons of practice and it's pretty cheap.
Mistake Town USA??!!!!!!

I think I've driven through there!

... didn't stop for a haircut, though.

short flat top, high and tight for me know. Back in 99 I had a waist&nbsp;length&nbsp;ponytail and beard.
Steve, Been cutting my own hair for years... I only use clippers and it works well (With practice).
I've been tempted to try doing it myself and think I will now that everyone is telling me how easy it is. Clippers run about $30 for a set, so it'll pay for itself in about 3 haircuts. It couldn't possibly be any worse than anything I've done to my hair as a teen in the 80s.<br /><br />
Steve, Don't know if you'll take solace in this, but fact is nobody really cares how it looks. I've had attachments pop off during the cut and it's gone to the scalp without anyone commenting or even really noticing (That I'm aware of). One way to measure others reactions to things is to observe our own.
Thanks, I do take solace in it. I honestly really don't care how I look or what people think. I know the first post I wrote reads like I do, but I did that to include those who do care. It wasn't out of my way to do so.&nbsp;<br /><br />There is a strong chance I may have to take on the occasional (IT) contract where a certain level of personal hygiene expected of me. It's true that most companies don't care how their internal IT staff looks like because they never face customers, but this is in a full time position. As a contractor I'd be representing a firm and have to adhere to their requirements in order to get work regardless the length of contract. I've seen guys with great technical skills passed over for this and less, so I'm not taking any chances in this economy.&nbsp;<br /><br />When I met Katie I was in dire need of a haircut. I looked like an Asian Q-tip.<br /><br />
Dude? An Asian Q-tip? Didn't notice. Was exhausted from hugging all those Asian guys at the restaraunt. Who'da thought there would be so many?
twokniveskatie said:
Dude? An Asian Q-tip? Didn't notice. Was exhausted from hugging all those Asian guys at the restaraunt. Who'da thought there would be so many?
<br /><br />We really gotta go for some Texas BBQ next time you're in town. Pho was good but our lunch was planned so last minute, and there are so many other better places to get it.<br /><br />
&nbsp;If you screw it all up when cutting your own hair.. just buzz-cut it. If worse comes to worse, wear a hat. ..Willy.
I cut my own most of the time now.&nbsp; I just do a number 2 buzz on my clippers (i did spend a little more for a nice pair). I did hear some negative feedback at first cause id missed swaths on the back, so i go over more carefully.&nbsp; <br /><br />One trick i have for the back is to put a winter cap or ski mask on to where i want the back line to be and carefully cut up to it as a guide.&nbsp; I think raise it a few inches, switch to a number 1, and cut the back a neat appearance and i get some compliments.&nbsp; When i lost my cap, i also used a string around the back of my neck and held by my chin <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
Hey, you young guys can just shave your head and look like all the other young guys....I can't tell them apart.....I like the idea but have PTSD from losing my cool pompadour, sideburns and duck's ass hair in boot camp....<br /><br />Back then we all tried to look like Elvis you know....<br /><br />Bri