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May 4, 2022
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Hello Nomad's, very nice to meet you. It's difficult to know how much info is wanted or relevant, so, I will attempt to be brief....

My name is Russ, I'm 53, born and raised in Ohio. Have spent more years in Ohio than other states, have lived for varying time frames in a few different states, mostly on the Eastern half of the US. Did about 10 yrs. in Fla I guess. Spent a couple of years in the Boulder area, which I loved... my first wife, not so much.. so, we all know how that ended.. move back East..

I moved back to Ohio maybe 6 yrs ago to be a full-time caregiver for my folks. They are 91 now, and I have been wondering for a good while just what the heck I want to do for the next phase of my life. I've got no other ties, so my options were pretty wide open. I knew I wanted to move out west and explore, there is alot I have never seen and would really like to. Never really got to explore Colorado much even while I lived there being tied into the suburban life.

So, I initially thought, well, maybe I can rent some cheap tin-can in CO since it was somewhat central, and travel to where I wanted to explore. Would like to get to Montana, Wyoming, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, New Mexico, and maybe Alaska. I had initially included the northwest territories, but, heck, I don't think it's worth it, there is plenty to explore here without hassling with crossing the border.

So... My research led me to BLM lands.. Now I was floored... I consider myself a fairly knowledgeable outdoorsman, and had no idea of the dispersed camping available. All I had ever known about them was public gas, mining, cattle grazing, ect... So, Yeah, wow, big game changer for me. I've been dispersed camping now for, well, I guess my whole life. Private lands as a kid, National Forests as a adult. Generally, just 1 week off grid a year, with a extended weekend or two in between, but, enough to feel confident to go solo. Actually, we always called it 'staying in the free sites at the NF', too dumb to remember the phrase dispersed, and I'd never even heard the term boondocking until my recent research... but, that's what it was.

Anyway, I'm getting long-winded...

I am fortunate I have the time to plan and design to meet my needs. I've been around a little, so I'm not afraid of the new, or change, but I was concerned about isolation. I've always been a loner, but I don't think extreme isolation is healthy for anyone, so, seeing the is some semblance of a community is comforting.

Hope this initial post will grant me privileges to post in other areas. I'm confined to here and have more thread specific questions to ask. Maybe even a occasional solution.


As a boy scout I camped on many public lands but didn't know the dispersed camping idea underpinning it, either.

've always been a loner, but I don't think extreme isolation is healthy for anyone, so, seeing the is some semblance of a community is comforting.

Yeah, I am basically a loner and for the most part the internet community is about all the human interaction I need most days.
Hey Doc, welcome to the forum.
Folks here from all over in all types of transportation accommodations. It's a pick your poison on the first go around as far as vehicle type. I'd guess only a few get it right the first time so don't stress, relax and know that what you think you need isn't always what will work for you.

As to the where, my recommendation is to ease into areas close at hand for weekends and work in a few 10 day trips to help define the what and how vehicle-wise. Distance travel comes easier with your comfort level in equiptment you carry.

I prefer seclusion to isolation.

just my 2¢
Well... the rules say if I have issues posting to report it to 'forum issues'. I can't post there either. Everywhere but this thread says I have insufficient privileges. ... What a guy gotta do to join around here?
Hello Nomad's, very nice to meet you. It's difficult to know how much info is wanted or relevant, so, I will attempt to be brief....

My name is Russ, I'm 53, born and raised in Ohio. ..
Welcome Doc:)
Sorry about the difficulties with posting. New members' posts must be approved before they show on the forum. I think it's 10 posts which seems like too much. I'm going to see about getting that changed.
Not sure what it expected then. The title of this thread states one post per member. It's pretty common forum etiquette to post questions in a relevant topic. I can understand the reasoning behind having a minimum post requirement, to cut down on garbage posts. Its implementation leaves a bit to be desired tho... You want me to post questions here, or just continue to spam until I hit 10 posts?
Doc, try posting again. The number of required posts was changed but yours still ended up in the "Approval Queue". Give it another test please so that we can see if that change took. Then post anywhere you want. Thanks!
I have one forum I've been in for five years and posts are still held for approval. That's just the way they run things. (They're not exactly tech freaks.) It just means a bit of a delay, not the end of the world.

Doc, just so you know, there was a big spam outbreak shortly before you arrived. This was probably -- correct me if I'm wrong, those who are more in the know -- one of the changes made to nip that in the bud. People have been pretty responsive about continuing to tweak this stuff in response to forum members' concerns. I'm sure this will get ironed out too.
You and I have quite a bit alike. Being from Ohio and considering going out west, I too have a new phase to explore. I think you will also enjoy it as long as you did your research and have a backup plan incase something comes up. Assuming that you're starting out, start by considering your ideal rig. The bigger, the more comfortable but less fuel efficient and possibly harder to drive. The smaller, the better on gas and maneuverability but less comfortable. Get a low mileage vehicle if possible, preferably from a private seller (if dealers buy low and sell high, why not buy low yourself?). An all wheel drive would be a plus for mountains and off-roading. There are so many good websites which have all the info you'll need on how to convert. RV's are expensive and high maintenance so I highly recommend you start a basic build like I'm doing. You'll learn a lot along the way. Good luck on your new journey.
I have one forum I've been in for five years and posts are still held for approval.
Waiting for approval is fine.. Problem was this is the only thread I could post to. Maybe make a 10 post or whatever limit to have people post without approval, but open up the rest of the forum prior to that? Idk. Posting solar questions or whatever in this thread don't make much sense.
Waiting for approval is fine.. Problem was this is the only thread I could post to. Maybe make a 10 post or whatever limit to have people post without approval, but open up the rest of the forum prior to that? Idk. Posting solar questions or whatever in this thread don't make much sense.
Greetings Doc. I too am a Buckeye and starting my journey in vanlife full time at 51 yr old. Maybe one day our paths will cross. Good luck to you my friend.
Hello Nomad's, very nice to meet you. It's difficult to know how much info is wanted or relevant, so, I will attempt to be brief....

My name is Russ, I'm 53, born and raised in Ohio. Have spent more years in Ohio than other states, have lived for varying time frames in a few different states, mostly on the Eastern half of the US. Did about 10 yrs. in Fla I guess. Spent a couple of years in the Boulder area, which I loved... my first wife, not so much.. so, we all know how that ended.. move back East..

I moved back to Ohio maybe 6 yrs ago to be a full-time caregiver for my folks. They are 91 now, and I have been wondering for a good while just what the heck I want to do for the next phase of my life. I've got no other ties, so my options were pretty wide open. I knew I wanted to move out west and explore, there is alot I have never seen and would really like to. Never really got to explore Colorado much even while I lived there being tied into the suburban life.

So, I initially thought, well, maybe I can rent some cheap tin-can in CO since it was somewhat central, and travel to where I wanted to explore. Would like to get to Montana, Wyoming, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, New Mexico, and maybe Alaska. I had initially included the northwest territories, but, heck, I don't think it's worth it, there is plenty to explore here without hassling with crossing the border.

So... My research led me to BLM lands.. Now I was floored... I consider myself a fairly knowledgeable outdoorsman, and had no idea of the dispersed camping available. All I had ever known about them was public gas, mining, cattle grazing, ect... So, Yeah, wow, big game changer for me. I've been dispersed camping now for, well, I guess my whole life. Private lands as a kid, National Forests as a adult. Generally, just 1 week off grid a year, with a extended weekend or two in between, but, enough to feel confident to go solo. Actually, we always called it 'staying in the free sites at the NF', too dumb to remember the phrase dispersed, and I'd never even heard the term boondocking until my recent research... but, that's what it was.

Anyway, I'm getting long-winded...

I am fortunate I have the time to plan and design to meet my needs. I've been around a little, so I'm not afraid of the new, or change, but I was concerned about isolation. I've always been a loner, but I don't think extreme isolation is healthy for anyone, so, seeing the is some semblance of a community is comforting.

Hope this initial post will grant me privileges to post in other areas. I'm confined to here and have more thread specific questions to ask. Maybe even a occasional solution.

I'm always late to the party, but welcome!

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