Greetings! I am creationode.

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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2013
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I have 18 minutes to write this, as my library internet limit is about to run out, unless I have the option to renew for another 10 minutes, which often happens.&nbsp; I am in Texas, currently.&nbsp; My full location can be disclosed to those needing that special information.&nbsp; Alas!&nbsp; Onto the introduction.<br><br>I have been vandwelling since the beginning of January, right in the middle of the ice and cold.&nbsp; I have to say, I much prefer the cold.&nbsp; Since I was raised for nine years in Germany, and lived many years in Washington State, and since I have Norse genetics, I suppose I am designed to work better in the cold.<br><br>After graduating high school, where I was high most of the time, I knew life would NOT be normal for me.&nbsp; I never thought it would be.&nbsp; Nothing ever felt normal for me.&nbsp; I was always much more aware of the world than other people.&nbsp; As soon as I graduated, I took a little temp job to save up money to spend on an outdoor survival course in Utah.&nbsp; The course was BOSS, literally and figuratively.&nbsp; When it was over, after two weeks of trekking through remote areas with little food and ground water, I knew I could not for a living.&nbsp; <br><br>Since then, I have held 11 jobs, in three states, and am looking to move to North Dakota when money permits, so that I can make my fortune in the northern oil fields.&nbsp; I dont plan to slave away the rest of my life just to survive.&nbsp; I want to make good money, save it mostly, then cash out and THRIVE.&nbsp; <br><br>Last November, I quit&nbsp;the 'full time' job I was holding down.&nbsp; I was very good at it, it was super repetitive, payed only $12 an hour, and sucked.&nbsp; Some people were at that job for years, and the state of equipment and breakroom showed it.&nbsp; The place was just neglected.&nbsp; I cannot work for companies that fail to train their employees or even care about equipment safety.<br><br>I get work quickly, and tend to get the ones I want, so I was not worried about a new job.&nbsp; I knew I had to find out my next big move.&nbsp; I do not remember HOW I found, but I did, and I found many others along the way.&nbsp; It slowly, deeply, and totally creeped on me that I was going to sell my Mazda, break lease on the stupid apartment I was tied to for $600 a month, and move into a vehicle.<br><br>I looked and looked, looked at the ambulances, short buses, minivans, and conversion vans, and finally found my beloved 1995 Dodge B3500.&nbsp; I settled on it because it was within an economical distance from me, I could take the train to fetch it, and it had, at one point, been in a fleet maintenance program...<br><br>That was January.&nbsp; In Denton.<br><br>I have since survived Denton, which is an EXCELLENT place to vandwell, in fact, probably one of the best in the whole country in terms of lack of police harassment, and convenience to stores, the country, highways, and dumpsters to dive, if you need.&nbsp; I have pulled TONS OF QUALITY food from their store is absurd.<br><br>I am now calling the North Fort Worth area home.&nbsp; I have not been bothered once.&nbsp; I stay in many different places.&nbsp; I pull into my sleep spots around 9 pm, and I can safely dwell in those spots up until...1pm is the latest I have stayed.&nbsp; I love doing this, and I do not see myself renting ever again, or even paying a mortgage on a home.<br><br>I do want a piece of land, a very cheap peace.&nbsp; I will pay cash, and I will just erect a big old steel building on it, to park my van inside.&nbsp; I plan to totally renovate every single mechanical and electrical system on the van, and make it better than new.&nbsp; I would love to upgrade it to four wheel drive, and there is a company that could do it for around $7000, in North Carolina.&nbsp; I do not have the money for a land or four wheel yet, but I know I will.<br><br>Moving into a vehicle has completely changed my perspective on life, for the better.&nbsp; I did it for many reasons, and all of them so far have been correct.<br><br>I love to know that this forum exists, and how active the members are.&nbsp; I have learned a whole bunch about solar, sneakiness, and general tricks from you all.&nbsp; I read it alot, but do not post very much, and probably never will, unless I obtain a digital camera that is...<br><br>Anyways, that is long enough for now!<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>
creationode - welcome. please post what you learn. when you can.&nbsp;
<EM><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #888888">Welcome from Australia. Keep posting mate.</SPAN></STRONG></EM><BR><EM><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #888888">Geoff</SPAN></STRONG></EM>
Glad you are here, hope you get more internet time so we can keep up with you.
Thank you all very kindly for your replies!&nbsp; I plan to have my own wordpress blog in the near future.&nbsp; I love to write and be creative.&nbsp; I wish I were an editor.&nbsp; No English degree, means no editing jobs, unfortunately.&nbsp; Although I mispell on this site at times, I could really improve most corporate websites.&nbsp; They are rife with poor grammar choices and mispellings.<br><br>Anyways, THANK YOU!&nbsp; My mother is the only family member that "sort of supports" my lifestyle.&nbsp; I am pretty sure the rest just refer to me as being homeless...<br><br>THANK YOU!
<span style="font-size: x-small;"><strong>welcome from s.w. florida .... blkjak</strong> </span>
<span style="color: rgb(0, 128, 0);"><strong><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: medium;">Welcome creationode! <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif"></span></strong></span><br><br><span style="color: rgb(0, 128, 0);"><strong><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: medium;">Sounds like you have a good plan for long term vandwelling. Just remember to stay flexible ...&nbsp;smarter folks than me say "Life is what really happens while you are planning!".</span></strong></span><br><br><span style="color: rgb(0, 128, 0);"><strong><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: medium;">Stay true to your dreams and you will achieve most of them.</span></strong></span><br><br><span style="color: rgb(0, 128, 0);"><strong><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: medium;">Bob</span></strong></span>