Hey everyone! Been reading up a lot of great info on this site and thought I'd sign up to join in on some discussion.<br><br>I'm from Portland, OR and living with my folks currently, but they're moving into a smaller place very soon, so I need to find my own place. In my search for roommates on craigslist the past few weeks, I've gotten sick of the lack of affordable places and responses to promising ads, so I've decided to become a van dweller.<br><br>Time is running short for me and I'll be couch surfing starting next week until I find myself a van. I've been scoping out vans on craigslist the past week and gotten a decent idea for what things run for in my price range ($3000 or under).<br><br>I'm not at all mechanically inclined and have never owned a vehicle (heck, I don't even own a drivers license, but will soon) and aren't much of a DIY type, so I've been shopping around for a conversion van. I thought about paying someone to do conversion work, but the service fees I've found aren't particularly attractive.<br><br>I found one on craigslist that meets my criteria, and has surprisingly low mileage for such an old vehicle('81 Dodge Tradesman 200 with 40k miles). Does this reek of suspicion? It is very far from me (~150 miles), so I'm thinking of paying a local auto shop to do an inspection. What kinds of questions should I ask the owner over the phone? I'd be able to travel to do an inspection firsthand without much cost (Portland-Seattle buses are cheap), but like I said, I'd trust a professional's opinion over mine.<br><br>http://seattle.craigslist.org/see/cto/3972053275.html<br><br>Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read and I look forward to participating in the forums!