Gold Panning New Mexico Spring 2019?

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Mar 18, 2019
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Hey, will any of you fellow prospectors be in W NM this spring?   
I'll be heading out there in April or so.

Any good public lands locations to try?  I do both stream and dry panning.
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there was a member on here a few years ago that had a claim in New Mexico. if I recall his screen name was Bama. I haven't seen him post in a couple years. unfortunately I know nothing about NM, but my advice would be go where the old timers found gold in the past. a local club or the GPAA would get you on some claims.

tx2sturgis said:
Silver City.

Have fun!

not sure how good SC is for panning for gold, but it is one of my absolute
favorite places in NM! they call it the "poor man's Taos"...hope to get back
there soon. good luck to you Txpaws. my BIL talked a lot about "lost gold of
Coronado" so maybe you can find that while your there also ;)
I have a cousin has had sucess as a treasure hunter that seems to think it is in Colorado, hope he right as he seems to spend a lot of money looking!
Free camping at the Big Horn NF campground on the North end of Glenwood. Took a hike in a canyon north of town (Mineral creek?) where there was supposed to be gold. Just up the road is the town of Mogollon which is nice to visit