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Sep 21, 2011
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Today I start full-timing in the van.<br><br>Now what?<br><br>I hadn't particularly decided on the where (well I did but that's changed).<br><br>Sort of daunting when you consider going anywhere.<br>
<p style="margin: 0px;">Hi, Cherry</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">I think you were in Baltimore, so virtually anywhere would be better than that! If I were free to roam, I would take Ped's advice and GO WEST, Young Lady.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Good luck on your adventure.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Bob</p>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp; Sometimes that is the most daunting task, taking the first step. You know what they say---Just Do It! </P>
stude53 said:
<p style="margin: 0px;">Hi, Cherry</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">I think you were in Baltimore, so virtually anywhere would be better than that! If I were free to roam, I would take Ped's advice and GO WEST, Young Lady.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Good luck on your adventure.</p><p style="margin: 0px;"><br></p><p style="margin: 0px;"><br></p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Bob</p>
<br><br>&nbsp;Except for Fresno; nobody goes to Fresno anymore.
One thing about it ...........<br><br>There is NO hurry, many full-timers I know may travel 200 miles on a good day.<br>Start a blog, write about your interests, smell the roses.. <br>Enjoy...<br><br>Putz<br><br>
Set your compass west, put one wheel in front of the other and just go.&nbsp; Take the 'blue highways' and savor the journey.&nbsp; <br>
Well if coming West you are welcome to join myself and akrvbob as we slowly make our way from the high desert in Cali to the summer RTR gathering in CO.<br><br>We will be heading out of Cali in a few weeks spending time in NV, AZ. UT. and finally summer in the CO. Rockies...<br><br>We have allot to share, help each other, and support each other... But you must be self sufficient at the same time...<br><br>Think about it... Oh and Happy Birthday Cherry, I just had my 50th back in Feb.<br><br>&nbsp;<br>
Cherry,<br>Of course it's more complicated than just heading east or west. I would say to look at your yourself in the mirror and firstly, do you have any ongoing passive income?? That alone will set the stage for deciding which compass heading...then look at what skills, talents, money-making hobbies etc you have and match that with a destination.<br><br>If new age talents, art, makeup, design etc then maybe Roanoke Va or Asheville NC....tatoo art...maybe Ocean City Md or Myrtle Beach SC...herbalism, local food, alternative health maybe Pittsboro or Raleigh NC...Foxfire old time crafts, maybe along the Blue Ridge, Poconos...just kinda brainstormin'<br><br>Maybe list your money attributes...income or not....skills you'd want to try and peddle...THAT will help.<br><br>Along with weather...sick of humidity or sick of snow or sick of 4 seasons or sick of no seasons...want it colder...or hotter.<br><br>Lifestyle: Liberal, Progressive, Conservative, Anarchist, Fundamentalist, Greenie, TransGender, No Gender, alien DNA...ok, got carried away...but your politics also should be taken into consideration.<br><br>Current economic status of places that interest you: What is the state of economic affairs in places that interest you?? Detroit or Cleveland or St. Louis or las Vegas are jobs...WHERE has the recess...rather Depression...had the least effect?&nbsp; Places like Boston or Boulder Colorado, parts of the oil patch in Texas...all doing well...which might give YOU a chance to do well...<br><br>Places you may already know people or have family or some kind of support network...<br><br>Finally, look to the there something you really want to get into...some field or endeavor or hobby or passion...where is IT'S GROUND ZERO...go there...Neuvo Mongolian Yurt Cooking...whatever<br><br>So, my short list would be:<br>1/ income in place...or no<br>2/ skills to make money<br>3/ weather you want to live in<br>4/ your politics...don't go where you're in conflict<br>5/ Economic state of affairs in locales that interest you<br>6/ places where you already know people<br>7/ ground zero for some biting passion you've had, as yet unfulfilled<br><br>Is this a starting point???<br><br>Dust<br><br>
<font face="Georgia" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 0);">LOL...Neuvo Mongolian Yurt Cooking...classic.</font><div><font face="Georgia" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 0);"><br></font></div><div><font face="Georgia" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 0);">Congrats Cherry...good advice laid out by far more experienced folk than I. &nbsp;May it go well, whatever you choose.</font></div><div><font face="Georgia" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 0);"><br></font></div><div><font face="Georgia" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 0);">~SE</font></div>
Go where your heart takes you. I mean as long as your heart doesn't take you off a cliff or something bad like that.<div><br></div>
Is there any place you've always wanted to see/go but never had the chance until now? If you really have free time pick any random route, go to google, type in places of interest along that route. Take your time if you can and enjoy!
sl1966 said:
Go where your heart takes you. I mean as long as your heart doesn't take you off a cliff or something bad like that.<div><br></div>
<div><br></div><div>LOL you always crack me up. Cherry good luck where ever you may go.&nbsp;</div>
You may just want to roam the area you are comfortable with at first ever widening your comfort zone. Then pick a friend or relative you haven't seen for awhile and go visit. Before you know it you will be on the road with only the coasts to deter you from traveling any further.<br>You have to get comfortable with your wheels before you go to far. Trust in your vehicle will only come with miles &amp; days behind you. Good Luck to you.<br><br>gus<br><br>
Ignore what I said earlier about following your heart. I was drinking then and realized how much rubbish that advice was. Here's what you should really do. First grab a handfull of salt and go outside. Throw the salt upwards into the wind. Watch which way it blows and make a note of it. Next get a live rabbit. Teach it to say "klaatu barada nikto" as this is the safe phrase in case something goes wrong. Stuff the rabbit into a regulation sized viking helmet, and place the helmet on top of your van. Now comes the best part! Drive towards the ocean at a high rate of speed until at which time the rabbit thumps against the roof. Stop abruptly, exit van, and quickly lift the regulation sized viking helmet and listen carefully. The rabbit will whisper the name of your destination. If you didn't go fast enough the rabbit will whisper the safe phrase instead and you'll need to reset the rabbit. To do this you simply need to lob it discus style into which ever direction the salt went originally.&nbsp;<div><br>TADA!</div><div><br></div>
<p>You guys have too much time on your hands!....Give me some!!!</p>
sl1966 said:
Ignore what I said earlier about following your heart. I was drinking then and realized how much rubbish that advice was. Here's what you should really do. First grab a handfull of salt and go outside. Throw the salt upwards into the wind. Watch which way it blows and make a note of it. Next get a live rabbit. Teach it to say "klaatu barada nikto" as this is the safe phrase in case something goes wrong. Stuff the rabbit into a regulation sized viking helmet, and place the helmet on top of your van. Now comes the best part! Drive towards the ocean at a high rate of speed until at which time the rabbit thumps against the roof. Stop abruptly, exit van, and quickly lift the regulation sized viking helmet and listen carefully. The rabbit will whisper the name of your destination. If you didn't go fast enough the rabbit will whisper the safe phrase instead and you'll need to reset the rabbit. To do this you simply need to lob it discus style into which ever direction the salt went originally.&nbsp;<div><br>TADA!</div><div><br></div>
<br><br>Thank you, Dr. Gonzo. I think my first order of business shall be to drive straight to Texas and hire you as my attorney.<br><br>Edit to add,, I plan on hitting Texas in Oct - Nov for the Renaissance Faire there (the largest in the country with MA and MD bringing up #'s 2 &amp; 3 but I've been to both of those)<br>
<p style="margin: 0px;">Aim for Alaska. Take your time, no rush. See everything there is to see on the journey there. Then, find another destination to not rush to.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Have fun.</p>