Foodies Meet-up @ RTR

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Active member
Mar 24, 2016
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Here's an opportunity to meet and connect with fellow nomads who include their ardent interest in food as part of their travel adventures.  A new Facebook Group has been created as a platform for gatherings. You can join now at "Foodie Tramp Rendezvous ".(FTR)
Meet at:
Jan.16th Tuesday after the 10am Cooking Methods Show-n-Tell (approx. 11:30am)
Location: same   Gather at the back of the chairs if it's unclear where we are.

See you Tuesday, Steve Austin 
IF it is sunny I will be setting up the various solar ovens with food for the afternoon talk. I would love to have a solar cooking meet but the 'IF" part makes it hard to plan.
DLTooley said:
Will you include foraging?

Hi DL,
Absolutely!  I love foraging. Check out Fergus the Forager: 

Just so you know these "gathering" groups take on a life of their own with minimal management.

Thanks for asking,
This is starting to sound even more interesting.
I looked for the group on Facebook but couldn't find it. I'm interested.
Somebody else had that problem. Yet not all. Maybe at the meet-up bring your phone and we can try again. Steve
Forecast for the day of the cooking talks is cloudy so I do not know how much solar cooking I will be able to do.
Today we're meeting right after the Show-n-Tell cooking demonstrations a 11:30 a.m. (approximately) at the rear of the seating section. We can banty about some ideas of what we'd like to do as a group. If you haven't already you can join now on fb: Foodie Tramp Rendezvous (FTR).

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