Federal judge orders car returned to homeless man struggling to pay parking tickets

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I'm for disarming the gendarmes. They are way too trigger-happy these days.

The Dire Wolfess
I recently watched that tv show parking wars , I think it’s crazy they have license plate scanners that read the plate number and tells them if there’s any tickets while they drive by. They don’t even have to see the car , as long as he scanner can .
Repo guys, warrants, bondsmen bounty hunters too.

Private + gov feeds consolidated into one big data set, easypass, signs that tell you your speed, regular streetlamp feeds

Track and record everyone's location even with no cell.

Sure tinfoil, said the same pre-Snowden too.
One day they'll put biodegradable trackers in our food and you won't even be able to pee in the woods anymore.
For some reason the vast deserts of the Great Basin are sounding really good right now...

The Dire Wolfess
Last yeast while I was working construction in Boston, my superintendent got ticketed 7 minutes after parking in the 1 hr parking zone.
MoxadoxFor some reason the vast deserts of the Great Basin are sounding really good right now...

The Dire Wolfess

LeaveBehindTheDailyGrind said:
Last yeast while I was working construction in Boston, my  superintendent got ticketed 7 minutes after parking in the 1 hr parking zone.

I've had that happen to a friend I was with.  He found the person ticketing and she said that she got off work in an hour and wouldn't be back to ticket him if he went over the limit, so she decided to just do it now.
"Moxadox For some reason the vast deserts of the Great Basin are sounding really good right now..."

that's where I spend most of my time. that's probably why I don't see a lot of this bad stuff everybody is always talking about.
Mom and Dad didn't raise no dummy.

highdesertranger said:
Mom and Dad didn't raise no dummy.


Zackly so. After coupla months on the Front Range I can't wait to get back to my nice quiet deserk.

The Dire Wolfess

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