Equifax Data Breach - proposed settlement (Krebs on Security)

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2018
Reaction score
northern Midwest USA
Here's a detailed analysis of the proposed settlement of lawsuits against Equifax for the massive data breach that they could have prevented:

That site ("Krebs on Security") is the #1 cybersecurity & privacy site that I highly recommend to both novices and Computer Geeks.
Brian Krebs is an award winning professional journalist (formerly for the Washington Post), not an engineer.
He does a superb job explaining technical stuff.

Many years ago he was the victim of malware, and underwent a journey of self-education to understand how it happened and how he could protect himself.
He's smart, curious, asks good questions, and has earned the deep respect of cybersecurity professionals around the world.
He gets great tips and info on pretty much every major emerging threat, then writes about it in terms of how it impacts regular folks.

He has superb series on gas skimmers, credit freezes, and many privacy related issues.
His gas skimmer series showcases a core cybersecurity concept: evildoers are constantly changing their techniques, so preventive tools have to constantly change in order to be effective.
There are no "silver bullet" solutions, though adopting safe practices (e.g. don't pay at the pump) will dramatically reduce your risks.
Saw it on another site. There is a link directly to the Settlement administrater, very easy questions, took maybe a minute. TI opted for the $125. Sorry don't have that link.
gramakittycat said:
The monetary settlement has been quashed.

Where did you learn this? I found nothing online.
I mostly posted that link to introduce y'all to an awesome cybersecurity resource. :)
In particular, he has some superb info on credit freezes, which are now free, and a great way to stick-it-to-The-Man. :)

Brian: Thanks for the settlement site link.
I ran a WHOIS on it, and the anti-geniuses who registered it chose "privacy" to cloak who it belongs to, as well as registering it thru GoDaddy (sleaze kings of the domain registration industry).
Sir, I think they have a Problem with their Brains being Missing. :(

P.S. "WHOIS" is an internet tool that lets you look up basic ownership info on all domains.
Reputable organizations generally keep that plain & open.
Private individuals sometimes hide parts of it.
Sleazy & stupid entities almost always hide everything they can, or at least obfuscate it.