Drumming Circle on Monday 12/15 at the RTR!

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You'll probably hear activity from Skooliepalooza as well since they hold their own gathering and it runs concurrent to the RTR. I think they set up very close to the RTR as well. Party animals they are.... Might be a few more gatherings in the area too that are not as advertised.
The skoolies had the most incredibly loud generator that ran constantly on one old bus. Like some kind of industrial construction generator. Could be heard thru half of the RTR last year.
Here is the rule for drum circles that is not open to debate or discussion:

No one in the main camp area should be able to hear it, even as a muffled bass in the distance. Many people find them infuriating. I don't know if it's the sound that causes that reaction, or the rudeness--probably both.

Either way, it's easily solved by driving away and pounding away to your hearts content somewhere away from the main camp so that we can't hear you.

I'm sure many people will want to join you, so you are welcome to announce it so others can know when and where.
Skooliepooloza will not even be close to the RTR this year. plus different dates.
Jan 5-12 roadrunner blm site off of highway 95.
I had no idea how important drum circles were to the nomadic life style. I've lived most my life in california where camping is normally a less than peaceful experience as the neighboring campers find it necessary to bring boom boxes. Culture or camping etiquette? I know not but at 62 years old I can honestly say I've been camping most of my life with family, friends and or solo and have never run across a drum circle...
I can understand if all are not participating how distracting a drum circle is often sounds like chaos on steroids. Hippie Hill in SF comes to mind. It has everything to do with sensitivity and why would you want to disturb people? Not all drum circles create chaos but unfortunately most do, while there is logic in chaos not everybody gets it. Tapping two small stones/coins/sticks together is a drum circle without the drums.
O.K. I understand the importance of location so that it does not impact the main camp. An important thing to note, however: not all drums, drumming, and/or drum circles are 'bad'. It's important to keep in mind that not all drumming is the same.

Some things to consider: What is the intention behind the drumming? Is it to simply 'be loud', be aggressive; or fueled by drugs / alcohol? Or is is to come from an energy of healing, connection, and expansion of the mind in a healthy way?

I have experienced both, and yes, the 1st can be 'yucky'. The 2nd, however, can be a tool like no other. One can find the ability to gain strength, peace and clarity within to move through all sorts of life's obstacles.

To that end, I think it's time to re-name it or identify it as such: "Drumming and Playing for Positive Transformation". I will be there to facilitate. I will be there beforehand, to teach basic beats. Other percussion instruments encouraged. Make your own instrument if you like, as long as it sounds 'good to the ear'. If you're interested or curious on any level, I would encourage you to come, check it out, and experience it for yourself! After all, it's important to always stay open to the possibility of change as you move through life (and this includes opinions and beliefs).

Sooo...who IS interested? PM me :)
Seems like we are all in agreement here then!

Respect each other please!

No drunken, druggie BS (No exceptions, no one wants it anywhere nearby either).

Other peoples sounds can easily be taken as rude;

Extreme distance separation from the main camp (location TBD)

(This is good for us too if we can't hear the generator folks!) 

((Sorry y'all, your generators are the worst thing my ears have ever heard))

Engage in a focused, positive, possibly new experience of creating the original art form of live music in a welcoming environment.

Sounds like everyone can win here, right??

:D   Stay safe out there folks, I am looking forward to yet another awesome RTR gathering with some of the best people on the planet!

And I will be giving out hugs.
Drumming/Music circles rock.
Thank you T!Kay!
I'll be listening for the drums and will come find ya'all.
MrNoodly said:
Drum tones carry quite a distance, and they get monotonous after about two minutes. May I suggest any drum circle be held farther from camp. Like, oh, Phoenix.

Oh, how right this statement is.  I spent a month in Kenya a few years ago.  Was awakened every night at midnight by the drum sounds, which were miles away, by the witch doctors.   :(

Bob, I think you will find, even with the music folks over a bit to the north there will still be a lot of
"noise" at night.  In the openness of the desert sounds can travel.  There may need to be some rethinking
on my part regarding spending nights around the "rtr camp"...  hmmmm...
MrNoodly said:
I'm thinking more like this:  [font=Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]37.712868, -98.978737[/font]

:D   :D   :D   :D

Van Man Dave said:
10 bucks says we will hear generators from the drum circle ;)

Any takers?

Someone at the circle will get the bright idea that running a generator will help drown out the sound of their drums.   :p
Camping in the main rtr camp was a zoo last year, so much open space within walking distance, there's absolutely no reason to subject yourselves to drums or generators if you don't want to hear them. I moved next door to Xscapers which immediately reduced the nightly noise. Later in the week I moved further east into open space, I really don't need much of a clearing when I'm just putting down a tent...
Reminder: this will be short (no more than an hour), with stops within, as well as new rhythms started. I personally know the positive experience and well-being that can come from drumming/playing percussion/being in circle, and encourage people to experience it for themselves (the effects are widely documented, too--all who are interested can google it!).

I'll post more info in the time to come, about location. Time will be firmed up, too--but it's still a bit before sunset, on Monday Jan. 15th. The circle will disband in time for people to still have some light to get back safely to their campsites.
O.K.--Checking in:

Letting all who are interested to please check back in this thread on Sunday evening--I'll be posting a location and confirming it all then. While I'm doing what I can to do research into spots (with helpful suggestions from others!), I feel the best thing to do is to feel it out in person--which can't happen until Sunday afternoon.

Just a reminder--you can PM me too w/ any questions, etc.

:) Tracy
I am enjoying the morally superior tone of the comments written by the anti-sound brigade. I find it quite amusing. I feel like I didn't travel to a rendezvous, but to a desert hospice center for the terminally annoyed. The RTR signs should be removed and replaced with signs reading GET OFF MY LAWN.
O.K., All--

A great spot was proposed (Thanks, Steve!) which looks, and more importantly FEELS good!  It's in the No Camping / Day Use Only area, situated with a great view of the mountains all around and a very proud Saguaro cactus that's there to mark the spot.

33.6483009, -114.1422948

Here is the GPS coordinates:  

You drive further down the Mitchell Mine Rd, past the Boomer's camp, then a hard left turn (but stay on the main road), 'til you pass by the signs that say No Camping.  You'll see us to the right, by the cactus.  You can park on the road (it's wide enough), or, if you prefer to drive in--there's a driveway into the area about 100 feet past the spot.

Bring folding chairs, and whatever you need to keep you comfortable (water, clothing layers, etc.).  And don't forget your percussion instrument or drum!  Remember, the intention is of Positive Transformation-so come with your own idea of what that means to you. :)

I will be there at 4:00--I can show some basic rhythms then.  Drum circle will start promptly at 4:30, going 'til 5:30.  Questions?  PM me!

Cheers, everyone--

